A glimpse into the future? Hillary Clinton?

Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2007 06:11 pm
If Hillary was too win the presidential election how do you think America will change?

I don't know much about Hillary, however, if she wins I think women in general will have positions predominately filled by men

I welcome someone to create a similar post with republican candidates..thusfar I have not seen one that has caught my attention...If Guliani is republican..who would know?
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Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2007 06:59 pm
If Hilary were to win , we would see a great effort from Americans from the middle and right to become more involved and keep her from instituting more socialism . Candidates for Congress would arise from the silent conservatives to replace the misguided Congressmen and Congresswomen in Washington now and under Hilary .
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Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2007 07:03 pm
Yeah, she'll try to forge more socialism, but won't be able to, thanks to the war in Iraq. THAT's going to be her presidency, in sum.:happybirthday:
Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2007 07:03 pm
Is it your birthday , Pinochet ?
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Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2007 09:07 pm
Your perception of Hilary's socialist society? Is it a nightmare or something
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Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 02:49 am
Please tell me where and when socialism has truly benefitted the citizenry .
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Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 10:04 am
The problem was how socialism was instituted, it should be a democratically elected, not forced.
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 12:32 pm
Good thread!

It's hard to say, Hillary used to hate the military, now she's the most hawkish of the Dems running.

National Health Care is a given if she wins, Iraq we will pull out of similar to what her hubby did in Yugoslavia during his term. Infact I'll bet if she's eclected the UN will come to her to put a peace keeping force in Iraq.
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Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 03:11 pm
markx15;13028 wrote:
The problem was how socialism was instituted, it should be a democratically elected, not forced.

Sweet - lets "elect" to give up democracy.

Your children will hate you.

Hillary is out of her mind. Just look at her push to socialize health care when Bill was running things. That will really screw things up if it were to go thru.
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Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 03:14 pm
yes, The rich have enough money that it won't bother them. The poor will get free healthcare which will be substandard to the current level of care. So the middleclass who neither qualifies for free care nor is rich enough to not mind the expense, will pay
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 03:19 pm
Silverchild79;13038 wrote:
yes, The rich have enough money that it won't bother them. The poor will get free healthcare which will be substandard to the current level of care. So the middleclass who neither qualifies for free care nor is rich enough to not mind the expense, will pay

Rich or not, you will still have to wait in line for months to get that hart transplant . . . all because un-educated morons are gumming up the lines for every stupid reason imaginable.

The $20 co-pay keeps welfare dependent idiots out of the hospital unless its an emergency.

"OMFG, i dont have any band-aids because i am a cheep P.O.S. . . . better go to the hospital and get some."

"Oh, and I better bring my 10 kids for checkups at the same time"
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Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 05:40 pm
"Your perception of Hilary's socialist society? Is it a nightmare or something"

Answer that for yourself. In what socialist country would you like to live? And....just how much socialism would you prefer -- a lot (ie, North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba or the USSR, back in the day), or a little (ie, Canada)? Who gets to decide in any given society -- the people, the elitists, the army, who?

If I go to Hell after I die, I will hunt down Karl Marx and kill him with a claw hammer. I will then saw off Stalin's head with a machete, and skin Pol Pot alive, with a razor-blade.
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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 10:00 am
I was talking about a socialist democracy, the State has no authority other than that which the citizens decide through election that they should have. But there should be a greater interference by the State's part on sub-standard jobs, which require people to work exausting hours with minimal wages. On the issue of nationalization of private property, only if that property is owned by a corperation, and only if it refuses to abide by the laws established, no lawsuits. Of course it would be interesting for the State to nationalize strategic elements of the economy, as to garantee State funding for welfare, healthcare, infrastructure, ect...
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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 01:58 pm
The populace at large could not possibly make such decisions. The country would be in shambles.
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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 05:11 pm
Maybe not in the USA, you have too recently come out of a war against communism to embrace anything that even closely resembles it.
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Mad as Hell in NC
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 06:41 pm
We will all become "village idiots" !!
But seriously we will all be moved toward a socialist state unless we can elect some real leadership.

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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 07:12 pm
Nah....nah.....some of us will fight like wild savages against the progeny of Marx. Nope. That bad boy's spirit is taking a hard fall.

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Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 10:31 am
The communist system fosters the growth of dictators, even if dictators are not necessarily a part of it. The government and ruling class have too much power.
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Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 04:03 pm
It only facilitates a possible dictatorship, but nothing an active citizenship couldn't avoid.
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Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 04:26 pm
You mean socialist instutions like the new deal that kept people from starving in the depression, or socialist instutions like social security that keep people who have worked hard all their life from starving because they never made high wages. We have friends that run their own business, they are traditional folks in a lot of ways but do not have insurance and because business is so-so can't really afford to take their kid to the doctor...I don't know what ism would get that child medical treatment and I don't care as long as she and every one else who needs it gets it and clean water, air and an education...People are more than capable of making rational edcisions if they have the courage to abandone failed paradyms offered by both pure capitalism and pure marxism tradition both on the left and right and think for themselves.....The problem in this country is that we are uninvolved
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