Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

rex b
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 12:33 pm
Interesting read:

FOXNews.com - Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate

"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.

Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 01:51 pm
@rex b,
I want to verify it, but I think this could be huge.
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Brent cv
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 01:57 pm
@rex b,
Taken from another forum:

Eddy’s right here. And from the looks of it, I’m just a little too late. Looks like a couple of your republicans already came in your pants. Too bad, but I’m going to have to wake you from your wet dream.

ROFLMAO!!!! Are you for real?! This is your smoking gun?! PLEASE tell me you aren’t serious. I have finally figured out the difference between Republican’s and Democrats. Republicans believe anything they read without taking the time to understand what they actually read.

Before we begin this analysis, let’s get one thing perfectly straight. Something that BOTH republicans and democrats agree. Saddam had and used chemical weapons before the Gulf War. Only an idiot believed Saddam NEVER had chemical weapons. Everyone knows he used them on the Kurds. That isn't why we invaded. It was because he was supposed to destroy them after the Gulf War and we said he didn’t, was actively pursuing their production, and was stockpiling them..

Now that we have established that there were Pre-Gulf War chemical weapons in Iraq, I suggest you more carefully READ the document and TRY and understand what has been said, and NOT said.

There are 6 key points. Let's examine and consider each one separately.

Here we go:

1. "Since 2003 Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contained degraded mustard or sarin nerve gas."

Well... what are 'weapons munitions' exactly? A bullet is a munition. In the above context, these are most likely be motar rounds, artillary shells, storage canisters, etc. Further what does 'contained' mean? Does this mean, weapons munitions which had previously contained these chemicals agents and which merely now have trace amounts of the substances? This is what I suspect, else the statement would use the present tense of the word ‘contain’, instead of its past tense ‘contained’. Finally, the 'degraded' is the key word that has to be examined. Chemical weapons don't degrade overnight, so these agents were old, as in Pre-Gulf War munitions. Also, it doesn’t way where they were found or how long they had been there. You can still find unexploded artillery and mortar shells on old WWI battle fields that have degraded mustard gas. So what?

Frankly, all this statement tells me is that in three years of looking 100,000 plus U.S. troops and god knows how many "coalition" troops have found 500 or so old ass motor shells, artillery shells, or even containment canisters, most of which only had degraded trace amounts of old ass chemical weapons.

500 munitions is darn near nothing. That is a small amount when you consider the size of the army and the number of chemical weapons that Saddam originally had. Hell, I’m surprised we didn’t find much more of the old stuff.

This is hardly a stock pile. This isn't an arsenal. This isn't even usable in any true tactical sense that represented itself as a threat to the US or any other nation. Now this is a key point. If what had been found truly represented a threat, the Bush administration would have been waving it around like a flag and proclaiming “SEE!!! SEE!!! I told you so!!!”

2. "Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, fill and unfilled Pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

Now this is a weird statement. "ASSESSED to still exist"?! What the hell does that mean? It means they are "believed" to still exist based on information but haven't been found yet. Note that it only refers to "PRE” Gulf War chemicals. This tells me that they now believe Saddam had abandoned his chemical weapons programs, as he said, and didn't manufacture or acquire any new chemical weapons after the Gulf War.

This also tells me that we believe that there are still remnants of the old pre-gulf war chemical weapons laying around somewhere. Duh.... Do you honestly think that after having a chemical weapons program and stockpile, that despite anyone’s best efforts that some of the stuff would get overlooked or misplaced? Hell, even the US lost an entire nuclear bomb!

3. "Pre-Gulf War Iraqi chemical weapons could be sold on the black market. Use of these weapons by terrorists or insurgent groups would have implications for Coalition forces in Iraq. The possibility of use outside Iraq cannot be ruled out."

Duh... No sh!t Sherlock.... IF they truly exist and IF the insurgents and/or terrorists can get their hands on them, and IF they are still anygood. But there is one HUGE glaring fact: In three years, the terrorist/insurgents have NOT used them in Iraq or outside of Iraq. This is a strong indication that they can't find them either, or that having found them, they were no good.

Do you think they haven't looked just as hard as we have? And if they found them, and they found more than just a handful, they would not have already used them in their attacks? Hell, even if they had a little bit, they would have used it already just to make a statement and to do what they most want to do: TERRORIZE!!!

This statement is meaningless. All it says is that "IF" insurgents/terrorists find old Pre-Gulf War chemical weapons they would use them against us. Duh.... is this really a big new revelation to the Republicans that requires a declassified document to figure out?

4. “The most likely munitions remaining are sarin and mustard filled projectiles.”

WOW… another huge revelation. First the words “most likely” equals SPECULATION. This means this statement is an educated GUESS. But I agree with this guess. These are what Saddam had PRE-Gulf War and is what would most likely remain in Iraq today. Stop and think about it: Unexploded battle field mortars and/or artillery shells that didn’t explode when used, or discarded shells left on the field during exercises or during use. And simply misplaced ordinances.

This statement is just another statement of the obvious. If there are misplaced or unaccounted for chemical weapons, these are what they are most likely are. Again… did it take this report to help you figure this out?

5. “The purity of the agent inside the munitions depends on many factors, including the manufacturing process, potential additives, and environmental storage conditions. While agents degrade over time, chemical warfare agents remain hazardous and potentially lethal.”

This is just more of the same… a statement of the obvious. It means nothing more than the following: If there are PRE-Gulf War chemical munitions which are located, they could still be lethal, harmful, or maybe just worthless. It just depends.

<yawn> You mean that unexploded shell from the attack on the Kurds, or that was discarded or misplaced may not be a threat at all? That’s right Jack. It just depends.

Now, I do like the way they left their best statement for last:

6. “It has been reported in open press that insurgents and Iraqi groups desire to acquire and use chemical weapons.”

Alright, which General had to read this kernel of wisdom in the paper to figure this out?! I mean COME ON!!! They are killing us with bullets, RPGs, and bombs. Don’t you think they would love to take out even more of us if they had a juicy chemical weapon ready to go?


When you boil this document down here is what it says:

After three years of searching our assess off, a small number of various munitions used to deliver chemical agents have been found that were from prior to the Gulf War which had trace amounts of degraded chemicals on or in them. There is likely more laying around somewhere. The insurgents would love to get their hands on it and use it against us. Of course, whether or not the stuff is still any good after all this time just depends.


Why the weird wording? Why now? If you think for a second that this document isn’t purposefully prepared and worded to make the administration look good then…

Well…. Just look at the effect it had on DaleM and 203Cree. And I told them not to give candy to the children so close to their bed times!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 02:06 pm
@rex b,
You have a good point. I don't think their location has even really been a factor over the past year or so anyways, and it's about whether or not the Iraqi troops are trained enough for us to leave. I don't even know if the WMDs really matter anymore.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 05:31 pm
@rex b,
Only naive people think that Iraq didn't have WMDs .... It was sure interesting watching all those ships loaded with chemical weapons moving away from Yugoslavian ports in 80s and 90s .... Very Happy
0 Replies
Brent cv
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:23 pm
@rex b,
Truthdig - A/V Booth - Fox News Debunks Santorum's WMD Claim

Mere hours after Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) announced breathlessly at a press conference that “we have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,” a FOX news reporter found out that Santorum was hyping a document that describes degraded, pre-1991 munitions already acknowledged and dismissed by the White House’s Iraq Survey Group.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 11:57 am
@rex b,
Degraded does not mean non lethal. In some of the artillary shells they have sealed compartment that are not mixed to make Sarin gas untill after the shell is fired. In other words, all that was needed was to be fired. And the pre1991 munitions were undeclared from the ceasefire agreement?

edit- I also remember reading some where that one time a shell from one of these was used as an IED. I'll look for a link.
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:22 pm
Well really hate to burst your bubble. Sarin is not a binary weapon. The item
and technique you mention yes is used for delivery of a large variety of nitrogen and chlorine based people-cides but not the weapon you mention. Your anxiety should diminsh somewhat once you acknowledge that many people have been victimized and the facts perveted to serve the fantansies of the Neo-cons. I hope you recover soon, sometimes it is hard to admit that we have been scamed by those we trusted.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:33 pm
@rex b,
Just like the scam that took hold of your mind. The Neo-libs must be having a field day with you. You sound like one of the victims you mention. Suck any sarin gas lately? Admitting is half the problem, i will if you do. That and a twelve step program and you should be good to go.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 06:45 pm
@rex b,
I mind is a terrible thing to waste. fortunately those who subscribe to the analysis proferred by Fox News do not put to risk much. But hope does exist
for many who are not blinded by alligance to those who have not earned such
Brent cv
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 08:30 pm
mik60487;7698 wrote:
I mind is a terrible thing to waste. fortunately those who subscribe to the analysis proferred by Fox News do not put to risk much. But hope does exist
for many who are not blinded by alligance to those who have not earned such

Hey its another person attacking Fox News for being conservative. Shocker....
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 08:44 pm
@Brent cv,
Brent;7710 wrote:
Hey its another person attacking Fox News for being conservative. Shocker....

Its funny they attack fox news for being right leaning like CNN and all the network news shows aren't left biased. Its too funny.
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 11:08 pm
mik60487;7698 wrote:
I mind is a terrible thing to waste. fortunately those who subscribe to the analysis proferred by Fox News do not put to risk much. But hope does exist
for many who are not blinded by alligance to those who have not earned such
You been smokin some of Johno's stuff?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 11:10 pm
NaterG;7711 wrote:
Its funny they attack fox news for being right leaning like CNN and all the network news shows aren't left biased. Its too funny.
Yeah, one network and they are just besides themselves, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 03:18 pm
@rex b,
I hope you recover soon, sometimes it is hard to admit that we have been scamed by those we trusted.

Speaking from experience? Lol sorry, had to say that, now back to the topic.

Weaponry isn't really my subject of choice, but clear something up for me. Could it be used?
Tulip cv
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 05:49 pm
The facts are that they have simply joined the many other countries who have WMD's...like a club where they compete on who has got the biggest bang...and if Crazed Kimmy has a toy, why shouldn't everyone else????
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 01:49 am
@rex b,
The small number of rounds(500 or so) found it has been established were munitrions originally procured for their war with Iraq. The substancesw cited do not have a long shelf life. Deteriation of content is inevitable. Did we go to war to protect America against this arsenal? If so why, was this war neceassary?
Tulip cv
Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 08:56 am
The substances cited do not have a long shelf life. Deteriation of content is inevitable. Did we go to war to protect America against this arsenal? If so why, was this war neceassary?

Interesting about the shelf life, can you explain this or give a link?
I am Canadian, but as far as l can see, the war was declared on NATO, and with collegues who were murdered as a result of an attack on the U.S. l feel that the war was declared upon the Western World. Since the recent U.S. election, the world has become informed of what your government, and my government, through intelligence, already knew.

The weapons of mass destruction, we were told at the on-set of the conflict, were in the Middle-east, and although they were probably moved and so not discovered to prove there existance, we were told that Bush just made it up to justify the answer to the declared war.

Now, we see these WMD coming to light. Now we are fully understanding that this is not a simple matter where the troops can just pile on a boat and leave. The threat has always been WMD at the hands of the Terrorists. Does it suck that we have to participate in this War --YES! Is there a choice ? No.

If the conflicting sides of these countries of the Middle East can put down their guns and find a path to peace, this will --at least for a time---calm the situation down to a level where diplomatic efforts and humanitarian aid can help rebuild these countries and law can be restored.

Now both Iran and Iraq have these weapons, and with China available to sell these weapons to the highest bidder, oh, and let's not forget North Korea, it is becoming a club with really sinister members [at least from this side of the fence].

The fear of the Middle Eastern contries is the psychological tribal values of the Law of Islam. This is the only place on earth that is so driven by the majority of the population's religion. The roots are deep and ingrained through home, school and business. And the Holy Scriptures support peace, but only to gain control in order to violently eradicate any Non-Muslims. The religion is seeped with violence, deceptive practices, and a never-ending full out devotion of ridding the world of Christians and Jews in the name of Allah.

This is the hand holding the detonation device of mass destruction.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 10:40 am
@rex b,
Yes, it is a valid point to note that WMD's were fouind. Stockpiled weapons in the range od several hundred don't constitute a viable threat to Western interest who sold the WMD's to the Iraqui's. A citation for the shelf-life of such stored munitions might be found in a google search for the toxicants of interest or look for info about ATOMIC,BIOLOGICAL, and CHEMICAL weaponry and the ABC'S their of. The United States Army has published much on this and is available at most libraries that have Federal documentary catalogs.
Tulip cv
Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 10:44 am
ahhhhhh! well you live and learn....
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