Hilary for President?

scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:12 am
92b16vx;40281 wrote:
And Russia nor NK are true communism, no point in trying that route, as Freeman pointed out there's no pure system out there.

there is no pure system out there, i agree,but in Europe we have captilism but we also believe in things like a NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE,i cant believe that people on here think that clinton is a marxist/commie/socialist/leninist,all these terms have been used.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:18 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40311 wrote:
there is no pure system out there, i agree,but in Europe we have captilism but we also believe in things like a NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE,i cant believe that people on here think that clinton is a marxist/commie/socialist/leninist,all these terms have been used.

Hey scoob, I believe so many conservs. can't get past the fact he got some from an inturn and got caught. That has over shadowed everything good the man ever did in their eyes. Their just mad that they didn't get any.
And I am not a lib. either some where in the middle.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:36 am
Freeman15;40244 wrote:
PRACTICALLY your monarchy is ceremonial only, but since Parliament exists only through royal decree, the Queen can legally disband it. Further, if a coalition government were to take charge (say, Labour and the LD), or say Labour took 355 seats, thus eliminating legitimate opposition (oh, that's happened), they have the power to pass any law they see fit, including suspending elections. You won't particularly care for your strict gun laws when you have no means of defense from tyranny.

Funny, your violent crime rate is less than 1 incident per 100,000 people lower than our's, and we have access to firearms. It would appear that your country is in serious danger of becoming tyrannical. No Constitutional limitations on legislative power, no firearms, a monarchy. You guys are setting yourselves up for a fall.

i dont think you fully understand the working's of the political system here in the UK,you talk about coalition government,eliminating legitimate opposition,they're still would be an opposition party,and they cant just pass any law they see fit,they still have to vote in parliament before any law can be passed.
Regarding violent crime,in the US your have a much greater chance of being murdered,and a much greater chance of being shot,if we had your gun-laws here in the UK,our murder rate would rise. THE majority of people here wouldn't want american gun-laws,the police certainly would not.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:41 am
tvsej;40312 wrote:
Hey scoob, I believe so many conservs. can't get past the fact he got some from an inturn and got caught. That has over shadowed everything good the man ever did in their eyes. Their just mad that they didn't get any.
And I am not a lib. either some where in the middle.

very true TV, i have ssaid before,what is worse,clinton lying about getting a blow-job or bush lying about the war in iraq,and the mysterious WMDs,that were never found,one led to a stain on a dress,and the other led to nearly four thousand dead troops.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:45 am
@scooby-doo cv,
It is funny what people will and won't tollerate and for what reason they do or don't.
Little on the desk, little on the dress ,not much really. Quote George Carlin.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 01:35 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40311 wrote:
there is no pure system out there, i agree,but in Europe we have captilism but we also believe in things like a NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE,i cant believe that people on here think that clinton is a marxist/commie/socialist/leninist,all these terms have been used.

She is a Leninist with Bakharinist economic leanings. She supports oligarchical rule coupled with state socialism and small amounts of free enterprise to sustain such socialism. Leninist is an apt description, no insult is meant, it's simply a description.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 01:39 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40313 wrote:
i dont think you fully understand the working's of the political system here in the UK,you talk about coalition government,eliminating legitimate opposition,they're still would be an opposition party,and they cant just pass any law they see fit,they still have to vote in parliament before any law can be passed.
Regarding violent crime,in the US your have a much greater chance of being murdered,and a much greater chance of being shot,if we had your gun-laws here in the UK,our murder rate would rise. THE majority of people here wouldn't want american gun-laws,the police certainly would not.

Right, so right now if Labour and the LD formed a coalition, they could pass any laws they wanted, because the Torries don't have enough votes to override them.

We have a higher chance of being murdered because we have deadlier weapons and more social strife. Your violent crime is just as high, but because of less deadly weapons, fewer people die. You also have a government that watches you in public places, and is in no way constrained in their actions. If your government ever becomes tyrannical, you have no means of defending yourself. Lest you forget, we were once subject to Royal authority, but we used our privately-owned weapons (along with the help of our French bretheren) to demonstrate exactly what happens when an idea and an armed populace are joined.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 02:18 pm
Freeman15;40368 wrote:
She is a Leninist with Bakharinist economic leanings. She supports oligarchical rule coupled with state socialism and small amounts of free enterprise to sustain such socialism. Leninist is an apt description, no insult is meant, it's simply a description.

LOL i find this funny Very Happy shas she got a bit of breshnevist and andropovist along with her leninist and bakharinst leanings Very Happy hold on,i forgot chenenkoist leaning,yes i do know the high ranking communist leaders of the old soviet union :thumbup:
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 02:29 pm
Freeman15;40369 wrote:
Right, so right now if Labour and the LD formed a coalition, they could pass any laws they wanted, because the Torries don't have enough votes to override them.

We have a higher chance of being murdered because we have deadlier weapons and more social strife. Your violent crime is just as high, but because of less deadly weapons, fewer people die. You also have a government that watches you in public places, and is in no way constrained in their actions. If your government ever becomes tyrannical, you have no means of defending yourself. Lest you forget, we were once subject to Royal authority, but we used our privately-owned weapons (along with the help of our French bretheren) to demonstrate exactly what happens when an idea and an armed populace are joined.

if labour and the lib-dems formed a coalition,they can form a government,which means they can pass laws,after all that is part of the political landscape here,we also have scottish nationlist and welsh nationlist MPs,and the unionist MPs from Northern ireland,sinn fein and the SDLP are also from northern ireland.
You say our violent crime is just as high,look at the murder figures,and gun related injuries,as for being watched in public places(cctv) it helps with street crime,i dont have a problem with it,if it helps catch crimanals.
"if our government ever becomes tyrannical,you have no means of defending ourself" i really think you are getting a bit carried away with yourself here.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 02:34 pm
Freeman15;40369 wrote:
Right, so right now if Labour and the LD formed a coalition, they could pass any laws they wanted, because the Torries don't have enough votes to override them.

We have a higher chance of being murdered because we have deadlier weapons and more social strife. Your violent crime is just as high, but because of less deadly weapons, fewer people die. You also have a government that watches you in public places, and is in no way constrained in their actions. If your government ever becomes tyrannical, you have no means of defending yourself. Lest you forget, we were once subject to Royal authority, but we used our privately-owned weapons (along with the help of our French bretheren) to demonstrate exactly what happens when an idea and an armed populace are joined.

sorry if my answer isnt to clear,but you dont really understand the workings of the UK parliament,we also have devolution in scotland,where the scottish nationilists are the biggest party,and form a minority government,its a bit complicated to explain.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:03 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40376 wrote:
LOL i find this funny Very Happy shas she got a bit of breshnevist and andropovist along with her leninist and bakharinst leanings Very Happy hold on,i forgot chenenkoist leaning,yes i do know the high ranking communist leaders of the old soviet union :thumbup:

Yeah, who needs to refute historically-backed and apt statements when one can simply run off at the mouth?

Bukharin (as opposed to Trotsky) supported a limited free-market for the peasantry to keep them from revolting. Lenin was not a communist, he was an oligarchical socialist, meaning he and his elite ruled the Soviet Union whilst divying up resources. Clinton supports Bukharinist economics and has already demonstrated a willingness to succumb to cronyism anti-democratic ideals.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:06 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40380 wrote:
sorry if my answer isnt to clear,but you dont really understand the workings of the UK parliament,we also have devolution in scotland,where the scottish nationilists are the biggest party,and form a minority government,its a bit complicated to explain.

I understand devolution. Parliament can revoke the limited sovereignty granted by devolution at any time, as devolution was created by act of parliament. Similarly, your quangos are created by act of parliament, and also are subject to their decree. Parliament can do whatever it wants if they have a large enough majority in the House of Commons. I spent a lot of my collegiate years learning about European Politics, I understand your system just fine.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:08 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40378 wrote:
if labour and the lib-dems formed a coalition,they can form a government,which means they can pass laws,after all that is part of the political landscape here,we also have scottish nationlist and welsh nationlist MPs,and the unionist MPs from Northern ireland,sinn fein and the SDLP are also from northern ireland.
You say our violent crime is just as high,look at the murder figures,and gun related injuries,as for being watched in public places(cctv) it helps with street crime,i dont have a problem with it,if it helps catch crimanals.
"if our government ever becomes tyrannical,you have no means of defending ourself" i really think you are getting a bit carried away with yourself here.

Historically the first thing tyrants do is disarm the civilian population. You allow your government to act without consequence and strip you of your right to self-defense, and that is counter to liberty.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:57 pm
Freeman15;40382 wrote:
Yeah, who needs to refute historically-backed and apt statements when one can simply run off at the mouth?

Bukharin (as opposed to Trotsky) supported a limited free-market for the peasantry to keep them from revolting. Lenin was not a communist, he was an oligarchical socialist, meaning he and his elite ruled the Soviet Union whilst divying up resources. Clinton supports Bukharinist economics and has already demonstrated a willingness to succumb to cronyism anti-democratic ideals.

WHO SAYS SO ? YOU ? your spouting off names here and there saying this and that,but when it comes down to it,its just YOUR OPINION.
I personally would describe clinton as a social democrat,you say clinton supports Bukharinist economics,the other day you were calling her a leninist,sticking name tags on people,dont make you right.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 03:59 pm
Freeman15;40383 wrote:
I understand devolution. Parliament can revoke the limited sovereignty granted by devolution at any time, as devolution was created by act of parliament. Similarly, your quangos are created by act of parliament, and also are subject to their decree. Parliament can do whatever it wants if they have a large enough majority in the House of Commons. I spent a lot of my collegiate years learning about European Politics, I understand your system just fine.

"parliament can do whatever it wants if they have a large enough majority in the house of commons" thats called democracy :thumbup:
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 04:04 pm
Freeman15;40384 wrote:
Historically the first thing tyrants do is disarm the civilian population. You allow your government to act without consequence and strip you of your right to self-defense, and that is counter to liberty.

Listenthe UK people are quite happy with our gun-laws :thumbup: I really dont understand,why you are talking about tryrants ? i think you have got a bit of a vivid imagination going on.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 04:15 pm
Freeman15;40383 wrote:
I understand devolution. Parliament can revoke the limited sovereignty granted by devolution at any time, as devolution was created by act of parliament. Similarly, your quangos are created by act of parliament, and also are subject to their decree. Parliament can do whatever it wants if they have a large enough majority in the House of Commons. I spent a lot of my collegiate years learning about European Politics, I understand your system just fine.

the tories if they fall just short of an overall majority,could form a coalition,with the ulster unionists,or even the lib-dems,here in scotland the SNP have just won the election,they were the biggest party,but they never had an overall majority,so they formed a minority government,but they cant pass any laws they want up here because the rest of the patries in parliament could vote against them,blocking what they want passed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 10:08 pm
Curmudgeon;40211 wrote:

Well if you recall, it was her husband that felt we no longer needed such a strong intellingence community, so he slashed their budget and used that money for his social programs. The cuts were so deep, that many senior members of the CIA quit in disgust. As a result, for a number of years America was really blinded as to what was going on in that part of the world. When Bush came into office, the CIA had only two people left who were suppose to read the thousands of radio transcripts coming out of the middle east. If Hillary does a repeat of her husbands handy work, America may find itself in deeper water next time. Which in the end may help to speed up those Bible prophecies, because according to the Scriptures when America is attacked, it will not see that coming.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 11:35 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40397 wrote:
"parliament can do whatever it wants if they have a large enough majority in the house of commons" thats called democracy :thumbup:

Democracy is two wolves and sheep deciding on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the results.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 11:37 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;40399 wrote:
Listenthe UK people are quite happy with our gun-laws :thumbup: I really dont understand,why you are talking about tryrants ? i think you have got a bit of a vivid imagination going on.

Your people have taken no precautions towards securing their liberty from their government. To each their own, but your "right" to vote is little more than an action your government allows you to do. With a simple vote your sitting parliament could abolish elections entirely. It's socially irresponsible.

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