In a country in which the presidential election yields less than 40% of the eligible voting population, yes, it is our fault. We get the government we deserve.
Reason for Hillary to be president:
It hasn't gotten bad enough yet. Americans still have this notion in their heads than things are "a-ok", or at least, "marginally acceptable". They live on the brink of disaster, but without said disaster they get to wake up the next day and feel good about themselves. They still have some faith in their government's honesty, and they have yet to revolt against the vile two-party system that is killing America.
Hillary Clinton will eat away at this country by selling it off to PACs, foreign interests, and globalists. She will propose "reforms" which are based neither on experience nor education, merely rhetoric and propaganda. She will NOT end the war in Iraq, such an action might tarnish her historical image, and thus, the will of the people will remain ignored. She will politicize the Supreme Court even further than Bush has, and create a new corporatism in which fascism meets collectivism. Maybe, when Americans are ruled by a leviathan government, bought and controlled by foreigners and corporatists, and they live in a world in which speech and action are regulated, maybe, MAYBE they will rise up and do something about it. LIKE VOTING IN THE GENERAL ******* ELECTION.
I don't know. Long run, maybe Hillary wouldn't be so bad for this country. She might help us find our fangs.
Just a thought.