@John P,
I joined the marines in the late sixties. I have gone to vietnam. I led the nations greatest marines into battle, and hundreds were slaughtered with booby traps and killed by the comunist VC and sometimes, were killed by force.
I was shot three times in Vietnam. I took a bullet in my chest once, then a year later was in a city where Tet Offesive took place months prior, was shot in the throat and the bullet nearly punctured a major artery in my neck.
At the same time, I was also shot near my male part. My upper thigh to be precise.
After Vietnam, I was part of the Grenada incident, and marched troops into Southern China. (don't bother looking up on the internet, cause your government never admited sending troops into china. 78-81)
After China, I was stationed in Germany from 82-84 in Berlin in case the Soviet Union attacked America.We had missiles and ICBMs pointed at the communist bastards.
After I returned, I was asst. base comander kind of, at Ellsworth for Colonel Brown.
Once the gulf war started, I and about a hundred fellow marines were the first sent in to Kuwait and Iraq.
After Desert Storm, I was stationed in Germany again, and in Panama. In 2001 I was sent to Afghanistan to comand marines and AF in the invasion. I also served as a temporary base comander.
I came back three months ago from Afghanistan,
I have some purple hearts, three silver starts, congressional medal of honor, and the congressional meddal of jesus. I came close to death in the Persian Gulf War when the AF began dropping bombs in a location my platoon was in. We had to run and get the hell out before the dropped bombs on us.
Any questions?