I've been kind of avoiding posting on this topic because I don't want to get into the specifics of what you're eating (or not eating). I suspect you are loading up on calories at the end of the day so you are far from starvation mode, but spiking and troughing blood sugar (from not eating breakfast, etc.) is not a good thing. Generally, people who eat breakfast tend to lose more weight. Of course, a healthy breakfast -- not a Denny's Grand Slam or anything like that.
A caloric deficit will cause you to lose weight, but up to a point. It's not exactly like a bank -- when you have too much of a deficit, your body stops losing and instead conserves what it can. Of course people who truly starve inevitably become bony but -- that should not be anyone's goal in life, to resemble a Concentration Camp survivor.
That having been said, my main suggestions to you (hope you don't mind the unsolicited words) are to try not to overdo it to extremes in any direction. E. g. not overdo the exercise or the dieting. I think that when you do so, you open yourself up psychologically for an extreme 180. That is, if you are abstemious in the extreme, you can set yourself up psychologically to crave cheating and binging in the extreme. Food can get a mystique which it shouldn't have.
I have been on many diets in my life. This is the one that seems to be working. I eat my minimum daily requirements of all main nutrients (protein, carbs, fats, calcium, iron, vitamins, fiber and whatnot), drink copious amounts of water (11 8-oz glasses/day at least), intake between about 1600 and 1800 calories/day, strength train every day, do resistance bands every day, and try to get in more cardio 1 - 5 times/week, depending upon schedule. I don't eat red meat or pork, avoid junk food and fried foods (except for a Monday cheat night, and even then it's only 4 oz of skinless fried chicken -- hardly a binge worthy of the name), mainly stay away from caffeine and salt and rarely drink alcohol. I cook much of the time, a good 18 or more meals/week (out of 21) are eaten at home.
I have lost a good 170 lbs. since January of 2008 and, yes, a good quarter or so of that comes from having taken alli but we're still talking about over 100 off due to the above regimen. It's not difficult and I can live with it. I rarely feel deprived or like I'm missing out on life. I go out regularly and do not have major issues with it.
And I am wearing clothes from 15 years ago because they fit again. Best of luck to you -- this stuff ain't easy.