RexRed wrote:
I only had one meal yesterday, two store bought frozen beef and bean burritos...
Alright buddy
Im totally going here.
The above is the reason you are , were, will BE, gaining weight and struggling against the battle of the bulge for a long time.
And no, not all fat people are fat because they listen to their bodies and over eat.
Our NATION is fatter and un healthier then they SHOULD BE because of the chemicals we eat and what is found in foods like you have stated above.
Im going to give the , im not caffeinated enough brief version but I will elaborate if you want, and I can provide trillions of links and tests and this and that and what ever else you need.
Lets start with the MSG that you have consumed.
The very CHEMICAL that msg is is created to, designed to and combined scientifically with other chemicals to
1) trick the pleasure receptors in your brain to make you feel like you are eating better tasting food
2) Reduce the hormones and chemical reactions to food that MAKE YOU feel full
3) its side effects reduce the ability by blocking certain chemicals that make you feel sedated for hours as you SHOULD from something that naturally healthy.
4) is addicting.
The list of what msg does goes on and on. It effects your metabolism by slowing it down, effects the bodys natural lubrication in the colon effecting how well you metabolize stuff.
DUDE. You are eating the problem.
HFCS which I guarantee you was in that burrito some where because I doubt you eat organic, or that you are really chemical conscious.
HFCS makes you retain weight independent of your caloric in take The chemical that HFCS is makes 120 calories of.. lets say a full regular coke, equate to 240 calories of WEIGHT gain. Thats why it is so hard for people to drop weight. They are constantly eating the very things that are stopping their body. HFCS is also addicting.
Losing MORE than 3lbs a week is not dangerous if you are doing so on a chemical free diet. Then you are doing exactly what your body CAN and SHOULD do which is burn and use what it stores. Our bodies are supposed to use up exactly what it gets right away. Fat storage only happens in extreme situations which would be winter time for example. We should naturally be less active, and we will eat heavier fatty foods then. If we were indigenous, this would be heavy fatty meats, nuts, seeds etc. But it would not amount to super extreme forms of weight gain. Just things that take longer to metabolize, causing the body core temp to raise which in turn helps you stay warmer.
But, this is a looooong tangent from me
Trust me.
Weight loss is simple.
Stop eating chemicals.
You dont need to exercise
you dont need to count calories watch portions or take drugs.
Research those chemicals you are ingesting. They are not basic safe things by any means and the core reason for your weight issue