Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 01:50 pm
If numbers can be used to represent "all things", including philosophy, how can philosophy be dead? Philosophy can therefore be used to represent "all things" as well, including numbers. If philosophy is dead then all language, truth, science and math would unravel as tongues vanished and every word ceased to exist.

There are so many fascinatingly passionate, wise, and experienced people sharing their unquestionable knowledge throughout the world. Yet the sea can be pretty rough from time to time. Individuals being tossed around by waves of earthly despair. What intense paddle breaking storms they can be. Shouting from boat to boat; words being misunderstood; volatile winds chopping messages into little pieces. Sometimes very few fragments of self supporting relatable environmental observations allow certain conversations to continue; individuals being dragged down towards the bottom, swallowed by the sea. Messages of hope and calmness can fade away while riding on the backs of the howling winds.

You are not from that world, we are from another world and we have armies within us that will come and fight at a moments notice. A soldier of hope to fight despair; a soldier of calmness to fight the panic; a soldier of love to fight the hate; a soldier of understanding to fight condemnation; a soldier of humbleness to fight arrogance; a soldier to turn the other cheek and fight a soldier who is lost in the devastatingly isolated world of kill or be killed; a soldier to peacefully sacrifice and fight a soldier of no sacrifice; a soldier to unsheathe protection for all and breath life back into a soldier of only self preservation; a soldier of encouragement to fight discouragement; a soldier of tolerance to fight intolerance... We step out of our boats one by one, walk on water, and continue heal those who are dead or dying. We step off and down from the boulders from which we speak to fight arrogance with that action of humbleness. We continuously fight evil with what is courageously good, first within us and then outside of us. We are from a different world; the world within us has no storm reeking havoc; a tranquil peace and calmness amongst the outside storm. It is easy to be consumed by the merciless condemnation of earthly despair. A thunderous windstorm of hail, fire, and brimstone created out of the raging outcries of earthly distress. If focus is lost and we allow the sadness to gain ground the storm will rage within us and we will surely begin to submerge. We can lose battles, love can turn to hate, calmness can turn to frustration, our soldiers of light can die but only if we surrender to the lower levels of the temporarily fearful and dispiritedly isolated. As the potentially frightening storm rages we can begin to sink into the maddeningly murky waters. Hopefully our heads will not completely submerge (becoming one of the dead in this water grave of complete hopelessness). All will be well. Hopelessness will turn into trust and then into living once again. The dead can and will always be brought back to life.

What brilliantly thought provoking experiences you all must be trustfully putting forth every day of your life, thanks for sharing your continuous passage of existence and eternal energy; rippling out in all directions effecting everyone.

As my body continues to age into the inevitable my time on earth will come to an end. Death is not something to be feared for out of death life must be born again. We can't have one without zero and we can't have zero without one, they are eternally connected. Our wholeness, zero onto one-hundred percent, continues to unfold in all possible directions and dimensions (just as everything else in existence has, is, and will continue to do). There are as many life experiences to live as there are individual choices: colors, temperatures, frequencies, rays of light and elements (they all have the same number of components). For each choice another dimension is added and so our complete being is blissfully satisfied. Our wholeness is shaped more like the earth; not a flat line of deathfully static permanence, or a singular line of recurrence. Our energy never dies, it continuously transfers into something embracingly warm and beautiful. This life is but a finger tip of ourselves; we all return to our entirety after departing from this necessary sacrificial journey. We hover over head, like a gardening angel, waiting to reclaim what belongs to us. Till then we have our successful and honorable roles to play in this unfolding environmental influence upon others; kindredly sacrificing for all growth internal and external. Unwilling to sacrifice for anyone, will evolve into willingly sacrificing for some, and then into willingly sacrificing for all (that is every possibility). There is no greater enlightened love then willingly sacrificing for our family (everyone), who is part of everything. What is done to the least is done to the most. Likewise, what is done for the least is done for the most. The beginning and the end have already happened, time is an illusion with a purpose. (There is the best of us and the worst of us, 0-100 %). Forever humbling.

There are only so many possible answers to the question of existence. Either there is only infinite, only everything, both, or neither. That is "everything" when it comes to those possibilities. Possibilities are not infinite. Every possibility is, was, and will be explored forever. The mind, body and emotions expand and contract as does the universe. The answer to the question of existence is both, everything and infinity. The symbol for infinity is also the symbol for everything, "the universal infinity symbol of truth" (everything, infinity and the universal truth binds them together for eternity).

Time reaches a point when all events have been recorded, and that is everything. The hour glass of time, the universal infinity symbol of truth, will then flip over and start the process again. All possible space will become filled, eventually, in the same way as it was before as every possibility is explored yet again. The record is not erased, is erased, and then is being written, (all three possibilities are true, not true, and are in the process of becoming true).

You may be surprised by where the universal truth takes you. There are as many different individual paths to take as there are individual colors but they all lead to the same enlightening place (Everything and Infinity).

Bryan Scott Butler
Author of "I Dreamed of Everything"
Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 02:43 pm
You set a prime example for 'self' security.
Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 04:52 pm
Welcome to A2K,

My experience suggests that you might be the author of the cited work. Be that as it may, what you have quoted here is pretty impenetrable. Also, the Amazon abstract uses the phrase "theory of truth" which tends to ring alarm bells for anybody such as myself who agrees with Richard Rorty on this topic.

For your information, I will re-link my earlier Rorty reference.

I note also the theological references implied by the reviews, and Rorty's comment about "Truth" (capital "T") is significant in that respect.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 06:11 pm
I have just stopped taking you guys seriously, and now I take great pleasure in exposing you to the same kind of behavior you subject others to. Wink
Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 08:38 pm

the simplicity and complexity of all things

the simplist being hydrogen , the complexity is understanding this element

now extend this thought to other things and life
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 01:28 pm
You're the only one buying that.
Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 06:49 pm
Glory to the hecklers! May you stew in the pot your brewed for yourselves.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 08:11 am
Interesting that the word 'hecklers' was not created by you, nor it's assigned 'meaning'.
Ding an Sich
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 09:43 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

kennethamy wrote:

Fil Albuquerque wrote:

Truth is that which cannot but be.

Well that is certainly not true, since it is true, for example that Barack Obama is president of the United States, but if he had not been elected, then he would not have been the president of the United States. You are saying that all truths are necessary truths, and that is clearly false.

Hi Ken ! How are you ?
If a true is true then it is true and cannot but be true given it is already true...
Same is to say if Barack is the President then he is the president...Of course, someone else could have been the president if something else did happen.
But it did n´t did it ?

True: in the actual world it was not the case that Obama did not become president; however, since we are dealing with necessity and possibility, it is most certainly the case that in a number of possible worlds Obama was not the president. Hence it is a contingent truth, and not a necessary one.

Also, one cannot assert, given that a proposition is true in the actual world, that it is necessarily true in the actual world. In order to determine whether or not a truth is necessarily true, you need other possible worlds (a domain of them if you will). However, we can say that if a proposition is true, then it is true.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 09:59 am
Reducing what a person has to say to the level of BS or opinion is a strategy that produces:
1) it sets the one doing the diminishing up as some sort of authority, as if he has been anointed with a special power the rest of us don't have
2) coupled with this 'authority' he demands that you explain yourself to his satisfaction
3) the explaining will never meet his criteria so you will be left with the 'feeling' of being less than he
4) all of this “bluff and bluster” is meant to distract you and he away from the original conversation so that he doesn't have to think about what was said
5) most likely this has been a lifelong strategy so you're never going to get through to him and he knows this going in to the conversation and
6) he will never let you know what he's doing.

The whole strategy only works if you are left with the feeling that you are the cause of the problem. That way you are compelled to keep responding and explaining yourself while this "superior being" is sitting there thinking about how stupid you are and laughing.

What this “superior being” doesn't notice is that the only one he is doing serious damage to is himself. He may or may not recognize it but his diminishing strategy “strips away” any value he might receive from others.

It would be great if this person would let you know all of this upfront so you can make a choice to participate or not but the wolf has to be in sheep's clothing or it doesn't work.

Calling somebody a 'heckler' is another strategy to 'diminish' the thinking of another.

As soon as you recognize this happening (a good sign is when somebody is justifying their 'heckling'), as soon as you recognize what is going on, you should drop that turd. Unless you want to waste your time playing patty-cake with it.

One last thing, this strategy is rampantly used in this forum and the description above fits all that recognize they use it.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 10:37 am
Be-ing is Be-ing and this 'meeting'(like all others) was pre-determined. I have to make sure I am authentic, otherwise I'm just creating 'turds'.
Ding an Sich
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 10:43 am
JPLosman0711 wrote:

Be-ing is Be-ing and this 'meeting'(like all others) was pre-determined. I have to make sure I am authentic, otherwise I'm just creating 'turds'.

As in Heideggerian Authenticity or Sartrean? In the former you're merely looking past the everydayness and coming to question Being. I do not think turds result from everydayness, as that is usually how one finds themself anyhow.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 10:47 am
@Ding an Sich,
There really is no 'heideggerian/satrean' authenticity, Be-ing is Be-ing, you're the one who chooses to either 'Be' who you are or not.

'Turds' come from confusion and doubt, which come from the 'they' or by thinking there are 'things'(or people) outside you that somehow control or effect your decision making.
Ding an Sich
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 10:56 am
JPLosman0711 wrote:

There really is no 'heideggerian/satrean' authenticity, Be-ing is Be-ing, you're the one who chooses to either 'Be' who you are or not.

'Turds' come from confusion and doubt, which come from the 'they' or by thinking there are 'things'(or people) outside you that somehow control or effect your decision making.

So you're talking about the Authenticity Heidegger mentions in Being and Time.

Well in some cases people do control or effect your decision making. Especially when someone tries to persuade you. Granted you still have to make the decision yourself, but there are definetly other influences.

So are 'turds' phenomenologically reducible? Can I get to the essence of 'turdness'? Have you done so?
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:04 am
@Ding an Sich,
I'm talking about YOU deciding to 'Be' who you are or not, this really has nothing to do with heidegger or authenticity.

There isn't anyone or any'thing' that has ever made you make a decision, you use 'them' as excuses(lying) for(to) your 'self'.

There are, in fact, influences(unfortunately) but they still had nothing to do with the fact that you, your 'self', made the decisions. You always make your decisions, period end of story.

A 'turd' is really like lying(making excuses-see above) to your 'self', when you 'allow' your 'self' to believe that someone else, or some'thing' is controlling you or influencing your decision making 'what comes out of you' is what I would call 'turdiness'(bullshit).

Anything else?
Ding an Sich
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:15 am
JPLosman0711 wrote:

I'm talking about YOU deciding to 'Be' who you are or not, this really has nothing to do with heidegger or authenticity.

There isn't anyone or any'thing' that has ever made you make a decision, you use 'them' as excuses(lying) for(to) your 'self'.

There are, in fact, influences(unfortunately) but they still had nothing to do with the fact that you, your 'self', made the decisions. You always make your decisions, period end of story.

A 'turd' is really like lying(making excuses-see above) to your 'self', when you 'allow' your 'self' to believe that someone else, or some'thing' is controlling you or influencing your decision making 'what comes out of you' is what I woudl call 'turdiness'(bullshit).

Anything else?

Well of course you are talking about me. It is I who has to question the meaning of Being correct? This is something that Heidegger does indeed bring up, as well as authenticity. It is by making the question my own (mineness), that I can come to be authentic in any way. Of course this is not enough, as one needs to address the impossibility of one's possibilities.

We can, I think, say that the question of Being is indirectly Heidegger's question, for it is something that he does indeeed address. However, it is directly my own, and is at this time the most primordial of questions, one which I can take up or leave to the They. So I think you are right and a little wrong good sir.

Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:19 am
@Ding an Sich,
You are speaking far too much through 'Heidegger' and not through your 'self'. This really has nothing to do with him, in fact nothing does.

This also has nothing to do with 'me', in fact there is no 'me' in this.

You are making decisions, let your 'self' go and your decisions 'happen' without judgment.(nobody can be 'wrong' unless you say so)
Ding an Sich
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:31 am
JPLosman0711 wrote:

You are speaking far too much through 'Heidegger' and not through your 'self'. This really has nothing to do with him, in fact nothing does.

This also has nothing to do with 'me', in fact there is no 'me' in this.

You are making decisions, let your 'self' go and your decisions 'happen' without judgment.(nobody can be 'wrong' unless you say so)

No, I am merely playing a language-game to get-through-to-you. Seeing as how I have acquired such a new game, I prefer to play with it. You obviously understand what I am saying, and yet you do not want to talk about it. Why do you hide from disclosure?

Oh, but it does have everything to do with 'you'. In fact, insofar as I am intending you, i.e, directing my consciousness towards you, I understand that you are something akin to me, that is, you understand that there is a question concerning Being and you have made it your own, or at least try to do so. Since this is approached by both of us (however in different fashion), I have the desire to confront you, in the hopes of engaging in a mode of discourse.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:32 am
@Ding an Sich,
I choose not to climb your 'great wall of China'.
Ding an Sich
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:34 am
JPLosman0711 wrote:

I choose not to climb your 'great wall of China'.

There is no great wall; only that which you have placed before youself. Fear in the face Others. The fearsome? Is that what affrights you?
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