@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:There´s no "bottom" or "up" for Truth! ...nothing is out of its grasp...all is be-ing and all is TRUE !
Truth is not a 'thing' capable of having a grasp! Let me give you an example of what I've been talking about.
Sometimes when humans, 'Be'-ing, look in the mirror and catch a glimpse of their 'self', 'Be'-ing-there', they have a religious experience and then they will call it 'soul' or 'spirit'. They will then go on to say that they have a soul or they have spirit.
In the past (and in the present) people have used the mis-representation of 'Be'-ing-there' as a way to hold the salvation (life in the afterlife) of the one (having or remembering the experience) hostage. The Aztecs had bloody sacrifices, the knights had wars with Muslims in the holy land, and Osama Bin Ladin mis-appropriated Islam for his own purposes.
The source of religion is who we are 'Be'-ing. Religion comes from us, it is not a collection of concepts, theories, conjecture, or ritualistic beliefs. Underneath the concepts, theories, conjecture, and ritual beliefs is 'truth'. 'Truth' is coming face-to-face with 'Be'-ing-there'.
I suspect that religion was 'invented' by people like Thomas Aquinas, you, and I (people who thought about 'Be'-ing-there') except in their time they had to 'hide' their thinking in the robes of monks for their own survival.
Most religion is an “outside-in” experience. People go to church to remind themselves of 'Be'-ing-there' and call it something else. The funny thing is that they use the rest of the week to cover up 'Be'-ing-there' and call it 'guilt'. It is 'guilt' because they instinctively know that they are no longer 'Be'-ing-there'.
So, at the “bottom” of the truth of religion is 'you', 'Be'-ing-there'. At the “bottom” of the truth of religion is what I call 'freedom'. 'Be'-ing-there' is freedom.
Anthropology, psychology, philosophy, theology, etc. are all religions that cover up 'Be'-ing-there'. You can't believe what I'm saying to know what I'm talking about. You have to have the experience of 'Be'-ing-there' to get to the 'bottom' of all these 'ologies' and find out that 'you' are in the truth.