Quote:Fil Albuquerque wrote:
2 - ...again, design imply´s time to design or wish for something to become...that which is already does not need a designer in order to be...it simply is there forever...Potential World is LAW itself made "thing" !
...not opposed to nothingness, which it is n´t, but as everything everywhere...
Quote:No comment on that one.
Either you fully understand and are able to question what it means potential or you don´t...
...somehow it seams to me that potential is just a way of saying we don´t know what actually will happen since several things seam possible up to what we know, which is limited...therefore potential refers at best to multiple ACTUAL parallel reality´s where initial condition change !...
...it regards a temporal approach to events...that which WILL HAPPEN somewhere forward, when it happens...but it may well be the case that it is there and we just don´t know from where we stand presently !
(it certainly seams so when we think for instance on Einstein´s non linear approach to Time in general Relativity)
So far your objection begs the question...it may be the case that you simply don´t understand the question...
PS - I Apologise in advance for my "tour de force" against your remarks, as they are n´t hill intended towards your person at all...most essentially they just figuratively convey a passionate colourful opposition onto your beliefs...in truth it simply is the case that I want to shake your level of awareness onto the problem at hand in a more intense manner...and that, bottom line, is about sharing !...