Cyracuz wrote:
Quote:1) Nothing -- not any number, hence nothing, since numbers are the only objects we can multiply [...]
Here you tell us that "nothing" is not a number, and therefore cannot be multiplied.
Nothing is not only
not a number: it is also
not anything else -- it is
nothing at all.
Cyracuz wrote:But then you say
Quote:1) No number multiplied by zero equals one.
But the apparent contradiction aside, [...]
This is not
only an apparent contradiction, it is also a
real one, so let us not put it aside.
Assuming you agree that no number multiplied by zero equals one, as also that nothing else can be multiplied by zero to give us one -- which leaves us, precisely, with
nothing that multiplied by zero equals one -- then perhaps you are telling me that "nothing multiplied by zero equals one" is meaningless, as it is not a mathematical operation. But:
1) I never said it was -- I said precisely the opposite, and more than once.
2) My reasoning does not depend on its being so, much on the contrary.
And indeed,
by no means "nothing multiplied by zero equals one" being no mathematical operation makes it meaningless: it still means exactly the same as:
Whatever you try multiplying by zero will
never give you one.
Which is not only
meaningful, but also
mathematically correct, despite being
no mathematical operation (perhaps the fact that a non-mathematical statement can be mathematically correct is confusing you).
Cyracuz wrote:[...] what does it even mean that "nothing" multiplied ZERO times equals ONE?
Congratulations, this is precisely the real contradiction here: by taking
nothing as meaning
something, you get a very strange mathematical operation in which nothing multiplied by zero yields not only one, but also any other number. However, this is only a "shortcut," so here is the reasoning behind it:
1) Nothing is different from zero -- the conclusion of my previous reasoning -- possibly meaning that everything is identical to zero.
2) Everything is eventually identical to zero, possibly meaning that everything has no quantity -- once all quantities are zero.
3) Eventually, everything has no quantity, necessarily meaning it also has no quality, so everything is nothing -- including all numbers.
By which you can,
eventually -- once nothing is, for instance, one -- say that "nothing multiplied by zero equals one."
Cyracuz wrote:If that can be applied to apples you may have just solved the global food problem.
As I explained above, in the context allowing you to say that "nothing multiplied by zero equals one" there is no food, no people, and -- understandably -- no food problem -- but unfortunately also no solution to either the food problem or any other -- since, in such a context,
nothing is the same as being -- a rather extreme environment.