Martha Stewart has a recipe for mashers that is out of this world. I don't have it here, but it involves butter, sour cream, and softened cream cheese folded into the spuds.
This year, since I only have one oven, I am going to buy a roaster. Target and Wallyworld carry decent models that only cost about $30. Freeing up the oven for other stuff is definitely worth it.
Why we didn't get one when we got married I have no idea. We have about seven crystal bowls we never use and no roaster.
Vanilla mashed potatoes is just wrong....
cjhsa, we did that recipe at a specialty food shop I worked at years ago. It is pretty tasty. My personal preference for a plain mash is yellow-flesh potatoes, about 1/4 lb. of butter to 2 lbs. potatoes, and just a bit of milk, maybe 3 tbsp. The key is to properly salt the boiling water, and then correct, if necessary, while mashing. Hot potatoes, cold butter, warm milk. A little white pepper and/or cayenne can be added as well, if desired, but go easy on it.
I like to toss in a bit of Annie's goddess dressing -- though I guess a bit of tahini would have the same effect. Mmmm.
I could never keep mashers around for an entire day without eating 'em, though.
I always add sour cream. Little milk, for texture, butter for creaminess, and sour cream. Mom used to fry up some onion and put it on top and we'd have it for dinner with some buttermilk on the side. Most delicious comfort food ever.
I would add the sour cream when you are reheating the mashed potatoes. It will add moisture and taste fresh.
I would not put eggs in though. That will make it heavy as a brick, and too thick.
CJ, my friend has one she loves it! (The roaster!)
dag, you must not be familiar with one of favourite French mashed potato dishes, Pommes Duchesse. Egg yolks are added to a regular mash, with lots of butter. The mixture is chilled, and then piped into shapes and baked until browned. They are light as a feather if done properly. If you add choux paste to this mixture, you get the truly over-the-top Pommes Dauphine....<drools> Pommes Duchesse is actually the origin of the common 'Tater Tot', but they are waaayyyy better made from scratch. For regular mash though, no egg.
That may be, but that ain't mashed potatoes anymore, but a whole different ballgame! (love tater tots, ditto droool)
Now I am thinking of Pommes Anna and Gratin potatoes....oh the pain!
I have no potatoes in the house.
I do!!! four! but i have neither milk, not sour cream. i may just pop them in the oven and have them with butter and salt. or can i do anything more fun with not much on hand? i have eggs, and sourkraut - i could make latkes like my dad does (with the sourkraut, it's gooooood). but that's too much work, i don't have a robot to grate them.. any suggestion?
feaola, I hate to even admit it, but I recently ate some of the god-damdest mashed potatoes and gravy from Popeye's Fried Chicken.
They still had the tiny lumps of 'tato and the gravy was so fine I wanted to slap my mother.
Little tiny sausage crumbles or something in it.
So if you have one of those chicken stores near you, that's the best I can suggest for avoiding the mess.
Home fries -- boil 'em first, then drop in hot oil with whatever else you've got going -- and scramble. Me, I'd dump the sauerkraut on top of that, but I inherited a passion for mixed up messes of food from my father that not many people seem to share.
We have no Popeye's near here! Ahhh, I want to avoid the mess but I still want them homemade!
Diddies a man after my own taste. See I put a little of the Xtra Crispy stuff in with my fake mashed taters at a KFC. If I cant be told whats in it in a relatively short sentence, I dont wanna eat it.
cav, whats choux paste? you mean shoe paste?
p-dog, you saved the evening. home fries indeed it will be. lord knows i need all the distractions i can get from writing. this sounds like a reasonably long one.