Krumple;124851 wrote:...I believe that there would be far fewer believers if they actually did read the bible.
That very well could be. I wonder if the Council at Nicaea felt the same. Could be because it was before the Bible was block printed and widely available to the common man to read for himself.
But could it be that some teachings are not necessarily meant to be read at their face value? Aside from the Children's Picture Bible, the Old Testament is not easily digested without the guidance from one who has studied it against history and language evolution. It would be like looking through a Calculus book without first learning simple Addition. Some understandings must be guided. Deep understandings must evolve.
Krumple;124851 wrote:I bet a majority of believers have never read it from cover to cover. They only know the parts that they hear in church.
Agreed. Heh... Maybe what we need is a new edition to the Children's Picture Bible that illustrates in graphic detail the horrors of Jewish conquest of that age... OMG! Hahahahaha... I think it's a hit! Hahahaha...
Hey Kids... Look at this! Hahahahahahaa...:eek:
Krumple;124851 wrote:Well I could have kept going with the whole chapter, it pretty much supports the whole thing that I stated... So feel free to keep saying I'm quote mining when you know that I'm not.
Sure... why stop with Deuteronomy... the whole thing is full of violence.
But yes, it is quote mining because you choose what you want (out of context) to push forth your position that God is either imagined or evil himself.
Damn! I said I wasn't going to defend the OT... I am now a liar for doing so. I hate going back on my word... Damnsss!
You completely ignore Deuteronomy 20:10. You give no credentials to the factors of that violent era not being applicable to todays society. You refuse to acknowledge a separation between the Law of God and the Law of Moses. You don't account for the fact that all nation states of that time were extremely violent, and the ones conquered by the Jews were some of the most treacherous societies of all who burned their own children upon the alter of Baal.
Put the times of that era in context P-L-E-A-S-E... I said please...
Krumple;124851 wrote:So if... some group decides to enslave you, say Americans, and to bring justice to the situation, you can kill the infants of those slavers? How is killing the children of someone a justice?
It's not about Justice... or Justification... The Jews didn't conquer and kill out of ridding the world of wrongness... otherwise Deut 10:20 would not apply. The Jews conquered and killed because they were taking back what they felt was rightfully theirs... and... because they were not to be tainted in any way by the perceived evil practices of the nations they conquered... which by the way, turned out to be the very thing that brought them down because they eventually could not do that, and did decide to embrace other cultural practices... starting with King Saul consulting with the Witch of Endor.
Krumple;124851 wrote:I know, because the bible writers believe that generations are accountable for the actions of their ancestors and should be held to the same tune as them.
That is an incorrect assessment. The 7 generations warning was not an official law... It was a warning to the hearts of men and their chosen behaviors of wickedness. It's a rather interesting insight actually, and I've considered it at great length. Think about it... it was a warning to any man who would embrace iniquity. He does not see the generational damage he is foisting upon his own family. It's a warning to the alcoholic wife/child abuser that he will unwittingly raise up a son who is most probably also another alcoholic wife/child abuser. And that grown up child will probably raise another son just like himself... and so on... and so on... The Bible is warning us that it may take 7 generations for that sickness to work it's way out of that family's heritage, being diffused slowly over time from the co-joining of other family's being mixed with the aggressors. It's a fascinating warning actually, and may in fact be applicable to today's society in a psycho-therapeutic kind of way.
Krumple;124851 wrote:Only a backward system would support such a claim and you are here defending it.
Not defending it. Just considering it beyond the superficial nature that
that warning is so often brushed over. There may be great wisdom there if one would only consider it rather than jumping quickly to judge it out of context.
Krumple;124851 wrote:It is the ONLY way original sin works. Why should babies have to suffer for the crimes their great grandfathers committed? It is absurd.
I don't know why a baby born to a drug addict should suffer... you tell me. Just think about it please... It may actually take 7 generations for that sickness to dissolve. I'd love to see a study on this, on the average number of generations it takes for iniquities to be completely removed by... what... Natural Selection possibly?
Krumple;124851 wrote: Maybe we should kill off all Austrian babies to prevent another Hitler from growing up?
Out of context Krumple. Just think about it please.
---------- Post added 02-04-2010 at 11:28 AM ----------
xris;124858 wrote:If I could do that then my searching would be at end.
So you are searching for God? Just can't find one you approve of? Are you searching for God or the meaning of Life?
xris;124858 wrote:I dont need a god to accept that life and death have more than we can imagine.
What do you need, in order to "
accept that life and death have more than we can imagine."?
xris;124858 wrote:Why should I invent a god when there is no necessity.
Why should anyone invent a god when a God already exists?
xris;124858 wrote:If god makes himself known to me and he convinces me of his logical existence, I will let you know.
That's OK... I already know. And letting you know that I know makes no difference whatsoever to you. You letting me know will likewise do the same.
xris;124858 wrote:To me his invention ,by desire, has stopped many souls from searching for their spirituality and finding reason for life.
And for others quite the opposite is true. Will you deny them that by denying their beliefs? Either way, "
searching for their spirituality and finding reason for life" is accomplished... right? Everybody's happy! Why deny someone else's God if it promotes their spirituality? That is your goal... right? Or will you not be satisfied until everyone finds their spirituality
without God... invented or not?
xris;124858 wrote:If I was pushed into describing god ,I would say he is everyone of us, we are good and the evil , our salvation will be when we rid ourselves of evil intent and become as one.
How does this god of yours account for creation and afterlife? Is this "PeopleGod" not suffering from a God complex? Wishing to be God themselves... they embrace the very Pride of Lucifer.
xris;124858 wrote:We can neither blame god nor praise him but we can condemn our evil and praise our goodness.
But if this "PeopleGod" is all people, then what of all the Hitlerian PeopleGod's who would praise evil and condemn goodness?
xris;124858 wrote:Seek god in your being don't look for him because he is within you, be a power of good and we will become god the benevolent.
Where is God within the Child Abuser? How will he become God the Benevolent? Is that really the kind of God you approve of?
This OP now evolves to: Why does PeopleGod permit evil???
Why does PeopleGod hurt PeopleGod?
Is this the logic you spoke of earlier?