@Alan McDougall,
Sorry for the double post, but I really wanted to separate them!!
I think perhaps we might have have created God in our image.
God is all powerful compared to us, but is not 'all powerful' in the way we think he is.
Would you have a child if you knew it would not be 'perfect' by your standards or would you choose not to have said child? If not for first humans, if you will, neither you nor I would even exist and would have no hope of Heaven. We exist, despite all the pain of this world, and can feel/love/etc because we were graced with existence.
If I had a time machine I might go back in my life and make better choices for me, but then the kids who came into existence because of me and my actions might not exist. Sure they have bad days where they cry, days which hurt them, but they have many more filled with joy, and more importantly they exist to have such feelings.
I brought my kids into this imperfect world knowing they would have some days they would suffer, some days where they ask 'why do I even exist?' and yet they have many more days where they hold their own kids, smile, laugh, and enjoy the fruits of this world.
We were given life - what we do with it is up to us. And I can tell you as a father I KNEW my kids would make mistakes, would have pain. But I, like their mothers, brought them here anyway to an imperfect world.
I am glad God did not abort us and let us have this life, even though at times it is painful.
Sometimes we love our more naughty or rebellious children that we do the others, maybe because they are special and need special attention and love, the God of grace and mercy might do the same for us.