@Alan McDougall,
Those who think natural disasters and death are the most terrible things, have not considered the notion of life after death.
God is the Supreme Storyteller. Have you ever read a story which consisted of perfectly happy people playing harps all day? Would you be enthralled by such a story?
Think of the most riveting and absorbing stories : they always have terrible antagonists.
Churchill said "This was their finest hour"
So Hitler brought about Britain's finest hour?
There are few modern stories that can be as compelling as a ww2 drama.
The nastier the devil ..... the sweeter the victory.
There is no Good, without evil,
and if all evil was the result of other evil, then no evil could ever have existed in the first place - so although God's retribution is absolute - sometimes he just lets bad things happen.
It thickens the plot you see.
Try and write a story.. and see how far you get without an antagonist...