Why does God permit evil????

Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:34 pm
Amperage;125814 wrote:
babies face trials yes, not only that but IMO any baby who dies would have accepted God had they lived, but perhaps God knew something ahead in their life that would lead to for lack of a better word terribleness the likes of which would have been worse than death. And not only that but less people would come to know God if they had not died.
So an estimation is made of a mans worth. So tell me, if that is possible to gain heaven without the trials god has planned for us, why can he not do it for every one? Do those who enter without the trials become less than others? Do you see how this logic breaks down when you enquire? I travelled this path from a believer to a questioning agnostic nearly forty years ago. How do you maintain your faith with all this illogical reasoning?
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:36 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;125822 wrote:
well I believe that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. So the only thing I can really claim, in terms of heaven, is that, the "immaterial" is what joins with God. If you don't want to call that heaven, then I'm OK with that
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:37 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;125822 wrote:
there must be a connection between two "material" or "immaterial" things of slightly different form...

The connection is a bridge we call Language... (code). You cannot say that "material" and "immaterial" things have "slightly different form". The Immaterial HAS NO FORM AT ALL.

Language is the bridge that brings Thoughtful Information into physical Form... Information (in to form)... Why is this so difficult to comprehend?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:38 pm
xris;125826 wrote:
So an estimation is made of a mans worth. So tell me, if that is possible to gain heaven without the trials god has planned for us, why can he not do it for every one? Do those who enter without the trials become less than others? Do you see how this logic breaks down when you enquire? I travelled this path from a believer to a questioning agnostic nearly forty years ago. How do you maintain your faith with all this illogical reasoning?
Because it has nothing to do with "trials", God's overall goal is knowledge of Himself. If going through trials will bring the most people to that knowledge, then you'll face them; if it won't, then you won't. And as I stated even babies face trials, no one who exists faces no trials. But trials aren't the point
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:38 pm
Amperage;125827 wrote:
well I believe that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. So the only thing I can really claim, in terms of heaven, is that, the "immaterial" is what joins with God. If you don't want to call that heaven, then I'm OK with that
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:40 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;125830 wrote:
both as in me and God? could you clarify what you mean by both
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:46 pm
Amperage;125829 wrote:
Because it has nothing to do with "trials", God's overall goal is knowledge of Himself. If going through trials will bring the most people to that knowledge, then you'll face them; if it won't, then you won't. And as I stated even babies face trials, no one who exists faces no trials. But trials aren't the point
So evil is not essential to gain knowledge, trials or comparisons of good and bad are not essential? So what does life experience serve if we can go to heaven if god wishes it? Or are you of the opinion that if a child dies very young it goes to limbo. You really are confusing me with what you actually believe?
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:50 pm
QuinticNon;125821 wrote:
It's important for us to be precise in our definition of words. I cannot allow you to shanghai the word Code just because it makes you feel better about your personal theory. There are extremely precise qualifiers needed in order to call something a Code. So far, none of your interpretations fit.

Patterns and Code are not the same things Fil. In fact, they're quite the opposites. You can't just say that Code is everywhere in the Universe. It is not, and thus, Information is not everywhere in the Universe either.

I get called ignorant because I adhere to formal definitions of words? Try again Fil.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:54 pm
xris;125834 wrote:
So evil is not essential to gain knowledge, trials or comparisons of good and bad are not essential? So what does life experience serve if we can go to heaven if god wishes it? Or are you of the opinion that if a child dies very young it goes to limbo. You really are confusing me with what you actually believe?
Ok here's what I believe. God's overriding goal is to bring people to a knowledge of Him, while persevering our free will.

Some people will ONLY come to know God by going through things you might consider evil/bad/painful/traumatic/whatever. If the ONLY way God can bring someone to a knowledge of Himself, is by that, then that's what He'll do. Why? Because any amount of pain/evil on this earth is infinitesimally small when compared to eternity in heaven.

Some people will come to a knowledge of God without facing anything too too traumatic. I suppose these are people like me. The worst thing to ever happen to me was breaking my tibia fibula in a HS football game my junior year. I accepted God during middle school. A traumatic/evil/painful experience was not necessary for me to come to a knowledge of God. Now, that being said, if I ever do go through something like that then I can only conclude it will be for someone else's benefit, such that, had they not seen/heard/known about what happened to me, they would not have come to a knowledge of God.

So to sum up evil is not essential to have a knowledge of God, for SOME people, others MUST experience such things before they'll come to a knowledge of God.

God cannot force us to do things but He does know what we'll do in EVERY situation. Therefore with that knowledge if a situation exists that will allow us to come to know Him, then we will find ourselves in that situation. That being said, there are many people who given every situation that could possibly exist, will still not ever accept God. Not because He doesn't love them or want them to, but because NO set of conditions exists, such that they will freely accept God.

Babies are not stuck in limbo, they are in heaven as I stated IMO.

If you would like to know anything else about my personal beliefs I'd be more than happy to clarify/answer them as best I can.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 03:00 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;125835 wrote:
...how would you define the rest of reality, besides CODED Information ?

We define reality with Codified Information. But reality itself, is not Codified Information. The reality that science has thus far "defined" is a reality based upon the cause/reaction of energy/matter present with Chaos. But none of that reality is Information and none of that reality is Code.

Fil. Albuquerque;125835 wrote:
How would you link it with Coded Information, if it was made with a different nature ?

There is no link. Nothing from Chaos produces or authors Code. Chaos produces Patterns... Fractal Patterns. That's practically the opposite of Code.

Patterns are irreducible complexity.

Codes are always reducible down to a factor of 1 bit.

Patterns only represent themselves.

Codes always represent something other than themselves.

Patterns can never be duplicated exactly.

Codes can always be duplicated exactly.

Patterns don't need a mind to form.

Codes always come from mind.

Patterns cannot change their medium and express themselves the same.

Codes can change mediums a thousand times and still express the exact same Information.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 03:12 pm
Amperage;125837 wrote:
Ok here's what I believe. God's overriding goal is to bring people to a knowledge of Him, while persevering our free will.

Some people will ONLY come to know God by going through things you might consider evil/bad/painful/traumatic/whatever. If the ONLY way God can bring someone to a knowledge of Himself, is by that, then that's what He'll do. Why? Because any amount of pain/evil on this earth is infinitesimally small when compared to eternity in heaven.

Some people will come to a knowledge of God without facing anything too too traumatic. I suppose these are people like me. The worst thing to ever happen to me was breaking my tibia fibula in a HS football game my junior year. I accepted God during middle school. A traumatic/evil/painful experience was not necessary for me to come to a knowledge of God. Now, that being said, if I ever do go through something like that then I can only conclude it will be for someone else's benefit, such that, had they not seen/heard/known about what happened to me, they would not have come to a knowledge of God.

So to sum up evil is not essential to have a knowledge of God, for SOME people, others MUST experience such things before they'll come to a knowledge of God.

God cannot force us to do things but He does know what we'll do in EVERY situation. Therefore with that knowledge if a situation exists that will allow us to come to know Him, then we will find ourselves in that situation. That being said, there are many people who given every situation that could possibly exist, will still not ever accept God. Not because He doesn't love them or want them to, but because No set of conditions exists, such that they will accept God.

Babies are not stuck in limbo, they are in heaven as I stated IMO.

If you would like to know anything else about my personal beliefs I'd be more than happy to clarify/answer them as best I can.

You make it sound like he is trying to get your attention but he can't use the most simplest method, just show yourself. If there is a presence then surely there would have to be a way, even if it was something you would have to construct. But to use arbitrary methods like disasters, or some convoluted text, it seems inefficient to me.

It reminds me of one of my neighbors. He drives up and down my block multiple times a day, honking his horn each direction in front of another neighbors house. I have never confronted him but I assume he is trying to get their attention. Why doesn't he just use a damn phone? It is so obnoxious to hear him drive by honking, turn around and do it again. Then an hour or so later drives by two more times. Seriously there has got to be a better method.

Your reasoning is like the reasoning above. God is having a hard time getting your attention because you might not be getting what the purpose of the text is or event was. Surely there would have to be a better method a more full proof plan.

To convince me, all god would have to do is appear before me. I couldn't reject it then. It would be what I would require. If there was a god, god would know that this is the only way I would accept god's existence. That might not be required by anyone, but we are not talking about everyone, we are only talking about me. God would know this, so wouldn't that be the perfect method? Yes for me it would be, but god still hasn't, and I can pretty much assume it will never happen. I would be honest about it. Why reject something that has been shown to you? I wouldn't and it would be the proof I require. I wouldn't need to convince anyone else that it happened.

If you say that, I am asking too much, because everyone should be given the same amount, then the amount I currently have is inadequate for me. You might try to make the claim that it is not the point to know with certainty but instead faith is more important. I say then your whole reasoning is flawed. If the point is to GUESS but never to actually KNOW then the whole incentive for god to reveal himself is just silly. It's like god is stringing you along. "I'm here, can't you see me?"

This is circular reasoning at it's finest. God is trying to reveal himself but the simplest method can not be used, instead it needs to be hidden and interpreted but ultimately you must utilize faith to believe god sent you this sign. Seriously?
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 03:15 pm
QuinticNon;125839 wrote:
We define reality with Codified Information. But reality itself, is not Codified Information. The reality that science has thus far "defined" is a reality based upon the cause/reaction of energy/matter present with Chaos. But none of that reality is Information and none of that reality is Code.

There is no link. Nothing from Chaos produces or authors Code. Chaos produces Patterns... Fractal Patterns. That's practically the opposite of Code.

Patterns are irreducible complexity.

Codes are always reducible down to a factor of 1 bit.

Patterns only represent themselves.

Codes always represent something other than themselves.

Patterns can never be duplicated exactly.

Codes can always be duplicated exactly.

Patterns don't need a mind to form.

Codes always come from mind.

Patterns cannot change their medium and express themselves the same.

Codes can change mediums a thousand times and still express the exact same Information.
CODE is TRUE NATUREwhy else would you think that I want to take Time and Movement out of the problem trough Hard Determinism ???
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 03:19 pm
Krumple;125841 wrote:
Surely there would have to be a better method a more full proof plan.
This is an assumption on your part. Obviously I can't prove there is a better method and neither can you.

Krumple;125841 wrote:
To convince me, all god would have to do is appear before me. I couldn't reject it then. It would be what I would require. If there was a god, god would know that this is the only way I would accept god's existence. That might not be required by anyone, but we are not talking about everyone, we are only talking about me. God would know this, so wouldn't that be the perfect method? Yes for me it would be, but god still hasn't, and I can pretty much assume it will never happen. I would be honest about it. Why reject something that has been shown to you? I wouldn't and it would be the proof I require. I wouldn't need to convince anyone else that it happened.
On the one hand I'd love to believe that, on the other hand I have no way of knowing if you would simply conclude, "oh, it must have been an hallucination", but God does.

Some people will hold on to a belief even in the very face of God Himself. You can even use me as an example if you want....I can't think of anything that would lead me to believe God wasn't real. Therefore, it's only natural to assume there are people just like me on the other side of the coin.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 03:51 pm
Amperage;125844 wrote:
... You can even use me as an example if you want....I can't think of anything that would lead me to believe God wasn't real. ...

In other words, you are saying that facts and reason are irrelevant to your belief in god. You are determined to believe in god, no matter what, and dogmatically adhere to this. So that there is no point in trying to reason with you, because reason is irrelevant to your belief.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 03:54 pm
Pyrrho;125857 wrote:
In other words, you are saying that facts and reason are irrelevant to your belief in god. You are determined to believe in god, no matter what, and dogmatically adhere to this. So that there is no point in trying to reason with you, because reason is irrelevant to your belief.
not at all. Perhaps I should rephrase. I have never encountered anything, nor can I personally visualize/think of anything that has made me question my belief in God up to this point in my life. Based on what I've seen and know currently. But, I suppose, like anything else, something could potentially pop up in the future to change all that. So my apologies for the misspeak, I was must too bold in that statement.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 04:02 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;125842 wrote:

Almost there. As much as I completely agree, that "patterns result from Code"... as much as I really believe that and want so badly to claim it as truth... as much as I believe that... I cannot say that with certainty.

The reason is that we have not found the code. When we find that code then I will proclaim it upon every mountain top. Until we find that code, I can only deduct and induct.

We have not yet found the code of the Universe.

But at least we have found one code... the code of life... DNA... It meets every standard of code that Shannon protocols require. It's as much a code as French, English, Binary, or Piglatin.

And one thing we know of Codes, is that all codes have sentient authors. Thus, DNA... Life was Authored. That Author cannot possibly be Human.

Fil. Albuquerque;125842 wrote:
Form is irrelevant (not true Nature) Phenomena !!!


Almost there... Code is a physical thing. It is made of the very same energy/matter form phenomena that you don't believe in. It therefor cannot be the True Nature. But, I know what you mean... Please understand, the medium is not the message.

Information is True Nature. Code allows us to see that. Information is the essence behind the code. Code is the only way we can know if Information is present. No code = No Information.

The code on this page allows me to see the Information within your mind. But these silly letters are not Information. They only reference Information. These words are not your thoughts. These words represent your thoughts. We cannot touch the Information. We cannot touch your thoughts. Information is Immaterial. Your thoughts are Immaterial. We can only touch the Code, because it is physical.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 04:06 pm
Amperage;125837 wrote:
Ok here's what I believe. God's overriding goal is to bring people to a knowledge of Him, while persevering our free will.

Some people will ONLY come to know God by going through things you might consider evil/bad/painful/traumatic/whatever. If the ONLY way God can bring someone to a knowledge of Himself, is by that, then that's what He'll do. Why? Because any amount of pain/evil on this earth is infinitesimally small when compared to eternity in heaven.

Some people will come to a knowledge of God without facing anything too too traumatic. I suppose these are people like me. The worst thing to ever happen to me was breaking my tibia fibula in a HS football game my junior year. I accepted God during middle school. A traumatic/evil/painful experience was not necessary for me to come to a knowledge of God. Now, that being said, if I ever do go through something like that then I can only conclude it will be for someone else's benefit, such that, had they not seen/heard/known about what happened to me, they would not have come to a knowledge of God.

So to sum up evil is not essential to have a knowledge of God, for SOME people, others MUST experience such things before they'll come to a knowledge of God.

God cannot force us to do things but He does know what we'll do in EVERY situation. Therefore with that knowledge if a situation exists that will allow us to come to know Him, then we will find ourselves in that situation. That being said, there are many people who given every situation that could possibly exist, will still not ever accept God. Not because He doesn't love them or want them to, but because NO set of conditions exists, such that they will freely accept God.

Babies are not stuck in limbo, they are in heaven as I stated IMO.

If you would like to know anything else about my personal beliefs I'd be more than happy to clarify/answer them as best I can.
There are so many contradiction in your stated belief I have trouble knowing exactly how to reply. You appear to invent this illogical god as questions are posed. Im so glad you came to your god with such ease and that god decided to allow that child access to heaven with so much pain but no knowledge of him. So how must I suffer to be able to gain gods image?

So its decided by your view that evil was not a necessity. So why does a god with his all mighty power and his immaculate goodness allow evil to exist?
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 04:11 pm
xris;125867 wrote:
...why does a god with his all mighty power and his immaculate goodness allow evil to exist?

Gripes xris... all this way just to get back to the original question. You've been given many reasons by me and others. We've discussed what good and evil even are... we've discussed different viewpoints of pain and suffering, strength and character. We've presented numerous interpretations of what a God is and is not. All this for you to bring us back to the original Q.

You've been given many reasons. Your choice not to accept them. Your choice to be the judge of God.

Would you like to know why God allows evil? Just ask him.
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 04:12 pm
QuinticNon;125863 wrote:
Almost there. As much as I completely agree, that "patterns result from Code"... as much as I really believe that and want so badly to claim it as truth... as much as I believe that... I cannot say that with certainty.

The reason is that we have not found the code. When we find that code then I will proclaim it upon every mountain top. Until we find that code, I can only deduct and induct.

We have not yet found the code of the Universe.

But at least we have found one code... the code of life... DNA... It meets every standard of code that Shannon protocols require. It's as much a code as French, English, Binary, or Piglatin.

And one thing we know of Codes, is that all codes have sentient authors. Thus, DNA... Life was Authored. That Author cannot possibly be Human.

Almost there... Code is a physical thing. It is made of the very same energy/matter form phenomena that you don't believe in. It therefor cannot be the True Nature. But, I know what you mean... Please understand, the medium is not the message.

Information is True Nature. Code allows us to see that. Information is the essence behind the code. Code is the only way we can know if Information is present. No code = No Information.

The code on this page allows me to see the Information within your mind. But these silly letters are not Information. They only reference Information. These words are not your thoughts. These words represent your thoughts. We cannot touch the Information. We cannot touch your thoughts. Information is Immaterial. Your thoughts are Immaterial. We can only touch the Code, because it is physical.

I accept this a a convincing and fully satisfying explanation...Cheers !!!

Yes CODE is also phenomena...Information it is then !
( my fault is naturally linked with the fact that we are living through a Space Time Phenomena way of thinking...apologies !) :a-ok:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 04:14 pm
xris;125867 wrote:
There are so many contradiction in your stated belief I have trouble knowing exactly how to reply. You appear to invent this illogical god as questions are posed. Im so glad you came to your god with such ease and that god decided to allow that child access to heaven with so much pain but no knowledge of him. So how must I suffer to be able to gain gods image?

So its decided by your view that evil was not a necessity. So why does a god with his all mighty power and his immaculate goodness allow evil to exist?
lol. This is not a made up belief system. It's based on Molinsim. Molinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IMO Molinism is a sort of Hard Determinism that includes free will(in a sense).

have we not been discussing the problem of evil this entire thread?

Did we not already determine that:

  • evil is an objectively morally unjustifiable intent or desire

  • pain and suffering are not evil.

It then follows that the only reason evil exists is because we are free moral agents

It also follows that God allows pain and suffering because they are not bad/evil for us.

So the real question then becomes is free will worth the evil we can commit?

To which I emphatically say YES! Keep in mind that for all the evil we are capable of, we are capable of even greater good. In the same way that darkness cannot overcome light....no matter how dark the room may be it cannot extinguish a light source.
Next consider a toy robot that can walk and talk and ask yourself if you'd rather be that. I think the answer is no.
Next consider your concept of perfection. Consider a glove that fits my hand perfectly. Is that glove any less perfect because it cannot bake me a cake? No. We can still say the glove is perfect because it is exhibiting it's nature. In a similar way, it is in our nature to experience pain and suffering. We cannot say we aren't perfect because we cannot live a pain free and suffering free life because it is in our nature to do so. The only reason we are not perfect is because we are free moral agents who do not always do what is right.

---------- Post added 02-07-2010 at 04:46 PM ----------

I will try explain what Molinism posits or at least as I interpret it in as simplistic a way as I can:

First we must define God's ultimate parameter and that is, IMO, that people come to a free will knowledge of Him.


God has 3 different types of knowledge which I will call His knowledge of could happen, would happen, and will happen.

Lets start with the overall example of Situation A: where we must choose either X or not X

1. could happen gives God the knowledge of what is possible absolutely. For example, it is not possible to do both X and not X. Could happen essentially lays out necessary truths. Through this knowledge God formulates all possible world's that he could create.

2. would happen gives God the knowledge of what will occur if we we find ourselves in Situation A. Through this knowledge God's choices are then narrowed from all possible worlds to all feasible worlds. The reason this is so is because of our presupposition that God wishes to maintain our free will. The implication is that if we are in Situation A, God knows, for example, that we will choose X even if His desire is for us to choose not X.

3. will happen gives God the knowledge, once God decides which world to create, of exactly what will occur in that world.

That being said, consider this:

God may know(through his middle knowledge/would happen) that, by being in Situation A, Person Z will freely choose God. But being in Situation A, Person Z will die.

God is not forced to create this world unless, no other situation exists in which Person Z will freely choose God. What I mean to say is, it may be the case that, unless Person Z finds himself in Situation A, then in no other situation will Person Z freely choose to come to a saving knowledge of God. If that is the case, since Gods overriding goal, as I stated above, is to have Person Z come to a free will knowledge of Him, then God has a duty to create that world.

This also means that there may be no world in which Person Z will ever freely choose X, but given any situation, he will always choose not X, If that is the case, then God can not create a world in which Person Z will freely choose X.

The reason I think this is a sort of Hard Determinism with free will elements is because If God knows what we'll choose given a set of conditions, He simply needs to manipulate the conditions such that we will do what He wants. Say for some reason God wants me to choose Y, well if a situation exists such that, if placed in it, I will freely choose Y, God needs but to place me in said situation.
So the world is hard deterministic is because God sets up ALL the situations.

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