@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;120783 wrote:xris only man is capable of real evil, take a pride of lions who have killed a zebra for food, the zebras nearby the slaughtered zebra somehow know the are safe and go back to their grazing peacefully right next to the feeding pride. The lions only take out of nature what they NEED we humans mindlessly rape our beautiful planet needlessly
I don't know Alan. I think this is a pretty weak argument because we could use ourselves as an example of this as well. While I am in the middle of a meal I am not asking myself or anyone with me, "So what should we get to eat?" I don't ask because I am already in the middle of eating. Or who after they just finished a large meal is looking for something to eat? Maybe I am an exception but I don't do that.
So it would make more than sense that a pride of lions would ignore other grazing animals once they have their meal laid out before them. I don't think they are being conservative in nature, but instead it is just a natural occurrence like me not asking for food when I'm already eating.
Although I do agree with you, that humans do things that are needless many times, this however is not a very good example.
The world is dualistic and the minds of humans are dual because we live in a world that is dualistic. We can choose to do mean things or helpful things. Some days we might do good and other days we might do bad. Sometimes you might not even be aware that you are doing something negative or bad. At other times, you might do bad simply because it is the easier thing to do. It takes effort sometimes to be sympathetic to the results of your actions, but so, so, so much easier to not consider it.
If you want to save the world, shoot a politician. Oops that is treasonous, I better not say that. I don't have the right to say that, especially when it's not true.