Why does God permit evil????

Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 06:29 am
@Alan McDougall,
Here is another way to look at the problem of evil. Might I add that I don't like this argument and ill explain why later.

God doesn't get involved in the problem of evil because it allows for the good person to be born.

What does that mean? Well if god were to rescue all from every evil in the world, then when would you ever find a thoughtful person? You wouldn't because you would never have the opportunity to be caring towards those in need. A good person would never exist in a evilless world. I know that sounds like a contradiction but it is true. It is by the acts of goodness that you are a good person. If there are no good actions to take then when do you ever qualify? You can't.

Now here is why I don't like this argument, even though it is a good argument. Leaving it up to us to solve the problem of evil, does make the person. Weather you step in to help or you sit back and do nothing, it makes the person. But how could you sit back as god and do nothing at all? You have absolute knowledge, and absolute ability to solve, but you don't do it? I would think that would be incredibly difficult for any good being to sit back and do nothing. In fact you would lose your title of being a good being if you just did nothing.

Some don't like it when I use the "no life guard on duty" statement. They object, "God isn't here to rescue us." Well isn't that what the whole religious point is, to be saved? But to be honest, it is not why I am calling god a life guard. I am referring to a life guard as a person who would rescue a person in distress if they saw them in distress. But since there is no life guard on duty, there is no one to do rescuing. It points out my point that god can not hold the title of perfect goodness and allow suffering at the same time. It would be like the life guard wins the "best rescuer" award while never even going to work, just staying home and sleeping.
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 06:48 am
I dont disagree with your sentiment, nor do others, but thats not how the debate has developed. Its if the question is relevant, if you destroy any of the three accepted notions then the question becomes void.Good, all powerful, evil, any of them singularly are logical but put them together and they don't make sense, they are contradictory. You have to reduce gods power, reevaluate what evil is or reclassify good. In the question it does not ask you to change the notion of good, powerful or evil. The question is illogical. Till you describe this good all powerful god and evil, the question is just silly.
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 07:44 am
xris;120767 wrote:
Very well put Alan but the fact remains you wont get a reasoned response. The question posed from the start is illogical not unless you question any of those three claims. If you question any one of those three claims it invalidates the original question.

xris only man is capable of real evil, take a pride of lions who have killed a zebra for food, the zebras nearby the slaughtered zebra somehow know the are safe and go back to their grazing peacefully right next to the feeding pride. The lions only take out of nature what they NEED we humans mindlessly rape our beautiful planet needlessly
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 07:57 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;120783 wrote:
xris only man is capable of real evil, take a pride of lions who have killed a zebra for food, the zebras nearby the slaughtered zebra somehow know the are safe and go back to their grazing peacefully right next to the feeding pride. The lions only take out of nature what they NEED we humans mindlessly rape our beautiful planet needlessly

I don't know Alan. I think this is a pretty weak argument because we could use ourselves as an example of this as well. While I am in the middle of a meal I am not asking myself or anyone with me, "So what should we get to eat?" I don't ask because I am already in the middle of eating. Or who after they just finished a large meal is looking for something to eat? Maybe I am an exception but I don't do that.

So it would make more than sense that a pride of lions would ignore other grazing animals once they have their meal laid out before them. I don't think they are being conservative in nature, but instead it is just a natural occurrence like me not asking for food when I'm already eating.

Although I do agree with you, that humans do things that are needless many times, this however is not a very good example.

The world is dualistic and the minds of humans are dual because we live in a world that is dualistic. We can choose to do mean things or helpful things. Some days we might do good and other days we might do bad. Sometimes you might not even be aware that you are doing something negative or bad. At other times, you might do bad simply because it is the easier thing to do. It takes effort sometimes to be sympathetic to the results of your actions, but so, so, so much easier to not consider it.

If you want to save the world, shoot a politician. Oops that is treasonous, I better not say that. I don't have the right to say that, especially when it's not true.
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 09:04 am
Krumple;120786 wrote:
I don't know Alan. I think this is a pretty weak argument because we could use ourselves as an example of this as well. While I am in the middle of a meal I am not asking myself or anyone with me, "So what should we get to eat?" I don't ask because I am already in the middle of eating. Or who after they just finished a large meal is looking for something to eat? Maybe I am an exception but I don't do that.

So it would make more than sense that a pride of lions would ignore other grazing animals once they have their meal laid out before them. I don't think they are being conservative in nature, but instead it is just a natural occurrence like me not asking for food when I'm already eating.

Although I do agree with you, that humans do things that are needless many times, this however is not a very good example.

The world is dualistic and the minds of humans are dual because we live in a world that is dualistic. We can choose to do mean things or helpful things. Some days we might do good and other days we might do bad. Sometimes you might not even be aware that you are doing something negative or bad. At other times, you might do bad simply because it is the easier thing to do. It takes effort sometimes to be sympathetic to the results of your actions, but so, so, so much easier to not consider it.

If you want to save the world, shoot a politician. Oops that is treasonous, I better not say that. I don't have the right to say that, especially when it's not true.

If I read you right xris you are a dualist, and so am I, and in that sense you have met on common ground
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 01:27 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;120795 wrote:
If I read you right xris you are a dualist, and so am I, and in that sense you have met on common ground

Oh so now you are giving xris credit for my posts? You are welcome xris. I mean thank you xris for that post, I mean, my post *wink*.
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 01:46 pm
Krumple;120847 wrote:
Oh so now you are giving xris credit for my posts? You are welcome xris. I mean thank you xris for that post, I mean, my post *wink*.
dont mention it krumps, all in days work.
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 11:08 pm
xris;120851 wrote:
dont mention it krumps, all in days work.

Sorry krumple you must make allowances for my extremely advanced age and creeping dementia!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jan, 2010 02:45 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;120783 wrote:
xris only man is capable of real evil, take a pride of lions who have killed a zebra for food, the zebras nearby the slaughtered zebra somehow know the are safe and go back to their grazing peacefully right next to the feeding pride. The lions only take out of nature what they NEED we humans mindlessly rape our beautiful planet needlessly

Don't you think that a real evil had happened to that zebra, or do you think that the zebra enjoyed being killed and eaten?
Alan McDougall
Reply Tue 19 Jan, 2010 05:09 pm
kennethamy;121096 wrote:
Don't you think that a real evil had happened to that zebra, or do you think that the zebra enjoyed being killed and eaten?

The zebra goes int a state of shock and feels nothing, this can be backed up by humans that have been attacked by lions they feel nothing not even fear

If God took away all the negatives we would be left with a pink ice-cream non-challenging ever lasting boring Paradise that after a few years of this they would think it was hell

Heaven wuld become hell because all meaning would be lost!
Reply Tue 19 Jan, 2010 07:19 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;121117 wrote:
If God took away all the negatives we would be left with a pink ice-cream non-challenging ever lasting boring Paradise that after a few years of this they would think it was hell

Heaven would become hell because all meaning would be lost!

I think you are committing the False Dilemma Fallacy here. That is to say, you are presenting a choice between two extremes without considering intermediate possibilities. Why cannot God take away just some (the worst) of the negatives, leaving just enough to keep life interesting and worthwhile? Beyond a certain limit, the disadvantages of evil outweigh the advantages, do they not? (Otherwise you could imagine an even more evil world than ours, and argue that it would be even better!) So, do you really think the amount and extremity of evil in our world are not excessive?

Bear in mind also that some manifestations of evil (e.g. lifelong severe mental disability) prevent people from sharing the supposed "challenges" of an imperfect world. Surely God could have avoided that situation.
Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 01:09 am
ACB;121135 wrote:
I think you are committing the False Dilemma Fallacy here. That is to say, you are presenting a choice between two extremes without considering intermediate possibilities. Why cannot God take away just some (the worst) of the negatives, leaving just enough to keep life interesting and worthwhile? Beyond a certain limit, the disadvantages of evil outweigh the advantages, do they not? (Otherwise you could imagine an even more evil world than ours, and argue that it would be even better!) So, do you really think the amount and extremity of evil in our world are not excessive?

Bear in mind also that some manifestations of evil (e.g. lifelong severe mental disability) prevent people from sharing the supposed "challenges" of an imperfect world. Surely God could have avoided that situation.

If God intervened directly in the lives of man , the first negativity he should remove is the "ability to lie"
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 04:16 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;121155 wrote:
If God intervened directly in the lives of man , the first negativity he should remove is the "ability to lie"
But you dont get it Alan, if he is alll powerful he could overcome any of your reasons. There could be no reason to have evil, he would be able to solve any problem you care to mention. One of three has to be wrong in fact.
Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 05:12 am
xris;121164 wrote:
But you dont get it Alan, if he is alll powerful he could overcome any of your reasons. There could be no reason to have evil, he would be able to solve any problem you care to mention. One of three has to be wrong in fact.

Maybe he is inscrutable and does not want to; at this stage reveal, exactly why he has allowed evil men to live.

Sometimes I do no step on a cockroach, I look at him running away from me and decide what the heck let the little pest live ?
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 05:36 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;121167 wrote:
Maybe he is inscrutable and does not want to; at this stage reveal, exactly why he has allowed evil men to live.

Sometimes I do no step on a cockroach, I look at him running away from me and decide what the heck let the little pest live ?
Do you really think that answers my concerns Alan? At this stage..... how long do you think he will allow evil?
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 09:42 am
xris;121169 wrote:
Do you really think that answers my concerns Alan? At this stage..... how long do you think he will allow evil?

Well technically, for ever.

This is why I don't get it when Christians spout out that "we all are sinners" and we are all imperfect. We can't even avoid sin, yet they fail to see that ending up in heaven would do what exactly? Take away the ability to sin? If you take that away then you are not the same being. If you can even take it away, why give it to us in the first place? If it is required to take the ability to sin away, for you to exist in heaven, then the whole situation is contrived. If god doesn't take away the ability to sin, while existing in heaven, then it is by definition no different than this existence. There would be rape, murder, blasphemy, wars, taxation, banks, reality shows, country music and lying.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 09:44 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;121117 wrote:
The zebra goes int a state of shock and feels nothing, this can be backed up by humans that have been attacked by lions they feel nothing not even fear

I see. So that means that nothing bad has happened to the zebra. For all we know he might even love being eaten. Well, that deals with it. And how about when a fox is caught in a trap? Does the fox like that too?

---------- Post added 01-20-2010 at 10:48 AM ----------

xris;121164 wrote:
But you dont get it Alan, if he is alll powerful he could overcome any of your reasons. There could be no reason to have evil, he would be able to solve any problem you care to mention. One of three has to be wrong in fact.

Yes. God could intervene to stop the pediatrician from hurting the child by giving the child a flu shot. I wonder why God doesn't. That shows that God permits evil.
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 11:31 am
kennethamy;121196 wrote:
Yes. God could intervene to stop the pediatrician from hurting the child by giving the child a flu shot. I wonder why God doesn't. That shows that God permits evil.

God could intervene to stop the flu shot from hurting the child. Or he could just do the obvious, i.e. eliminate flu.
Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 01:49 pm
ACB;121228 wrote:
God could intervene to stop the flu shot from hurting the child. Or he could just do the obvious, i.e. eliminate flu.

I have a real problem with one entity, the "Virus" how could God create an entity that does nearly nothing but kill millions of its Hosts?

Maybe Satan created this little beasties:)
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2010 02:17 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;121296 wrote:
I have a real problem with one entity, the "Virus" how could God create an entity that does nearly nothing but kill millions of its Hosts?

Maybe Satan created this little beasties:)

Yep that is a possibility, but why wouldn't god just cancel it out? He is allowing Satan to cause conflict? Is this his job test for the entire world? "Let the evil run wild, I'll show you that they all will return to me?" Sounds believable doesn't it? Well as usual there is a problem.

If you were Satan, you would know at least the existence of god right? Seems to me you would have to understand that your actions couldn't always be allowed. It would be like a judge, and law enforcement allowing you to shoot, beat, or steal any time you wanted. You think that is sustainable? No it would undermine your title as judge, or law enforcer. I mean if your job is to bring about justice, you can't allow injustice to exist or you become apart of the injustice. All that time, all those victims of that injustice would have to be justified as well.
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