My goodness, your reply is full of
assumptions. Let's begin:
Krumple;104822 wrote:I don't think you actually believe this, instead it is something you want to believe.
How would you like me reply to that? You're basically saying that I'm not capable of determining and stating my own belief system. If that's what you think, then why are you bothering to reply to me at all? LOL
Is evil a product of having free will?
I think so.
If it is, then by all means god would lack free will. If not then god has the capacity to commit evil but instead chooses not to do it.
Assumption 01: You're assuming that God and humans share the same sort of psychological make-up and approach reality in the same way.
That's not my position, nor have I stated anything along those lines.
But that would mean evil is an attribute of god just not exercised.
The only other option is that god has no free will and couldn't do any evil what so ever. But that would mean god is limited.
Assumption 02: You're assuming that God is omnipotent, again, something I never stated.
Also, you're trying to argue that: because
humans have free will, and therefore are capable of evil, that God must not have free will because God is incapable of evil -
but where did I say that? Nowhere.
I don't think God
is evil, but I never said that God is
incapable of evil. I said that I don't think evil comes from God - an argument that you still have yet to address. Nice try obfuscating things with rhetoric, however. A valiant effort, indeed.
Intothelight: "Why should God be accountable for what other people do?"
In two ways, both by knowing the result or by inactivity.
A. If you owned two dogs and knew that if you placed them in the same yard together, that they would fight and ultimately kill each other, wouldn't you be responsible for them doing so since you placed them there? You are saying no, it is the dogs fault for fighting. Well think about it. If you knew the outcome before hand, why would you still do it?
Assumption 03: You are assuming that God is omniscient. Another thing I never said. Strawman alert.
B. If you stood next to a lake and watched a person drown and did nothing to help them, then by all means them drowning is in a sense your fault since you had the ability, capacity and knowledge yet still did nothing.
Again, I ask: who made God responsible for the Humanity? -- You did; not me. You want God to be exactly what
you want, and since you haven't gotten your way, you are apparently upset by this.
You've got this list of specifications of what God is susposed to be, and I'm wondering who made all of this so? You did.
This fact alone is one reason I make the claim that no life guard is on duty. There is no benevolent god anywhere or else suffering wouldn't exist. peroid.
You're certainly welcome to believe that, if that's what you want.
One thing, I do know, however, is that people learn from suffering. People were tired of not being able to see at night, so someone invented the lamp. If there had been no suffering, there would be no lamp.
Here's another one: If you stick your hand on a hot stove, it burns you - you suffer pain - and you pull your hand back so as not to burn off your fingers and make them unusuable. You just learned something by suffering.
The holocaust: lots and lots of suffering. What did we learn from it? - Not to let it happen again. You see?
You seem to want some perfect world that doesn't exist so you blame God.
That's up to you.
Intothelight: "If God was to intervene every time humans caused a problem, we would be mindless puppets under the control of God."
But isn't your philosophy just the same as this? You said that your relationship with god helps you to connect to what he would want you to do rather than what you would want to do. Isn't that mindset transforming you into a god following robot?
Not at all, because I still have free will. I don't always choose to what God advises me to do. Sometimes I do what I want - and I can do this because I have free will.
You seem to be operating under the notion that doing what God wants is some horrible, enslaving thing. That has not been my experience, personally. When I
do do what God wants, I am always ultimately happier, sometimes in the short term, sometimes in the long term, but so far I have never once had an experience where I listened to God and ended up getting screwed.
Why does god get the credit for humans learning empathy or compassion? Funny how you wont accuse god of causing bad things to happen but as soon as something good happens you say god did it. Ironic and contradictory.
Exactly where did I ever say that? I
never said that God causes bad or good things to happen. You're putting words in my mouth.
Try replying to what I
actually said instead of making up things. Thanks.
He's just conducting quality assurance testing on his creation right? Toss out the defective ones and keep the ones that will never question his authority, might or prowess.
Assumption 04: You're assuming that God created the world. I never said that either.
Maybe god is like a five year old playing and you are just another marionette who believes they have free will.
Maybe so. You're welcome to believe what you want to believe.
Alright fair enough. I also wouldn't want anything to do with such a being as well as if that being were to punish another being for doing anything.
Assumption 05: You're assuming that God punishes people.
Why exactly would a being be punished anyways? The rules are not clearly spelt out so why condemn a being for such a secretive rule book?
You tell me: you're the one making all these rules up.
It would be like inventing a sport but not telling any of the athletes playing the game any of the objectives but instead letting them debate over the goals and pretty much guess the rules. Yet all the while the creator is sentencing them for fouls they were really not aware of. That is what is silly.
You seem to be using the Judeo-Christian / Muslim conception of "God".
That's not what I believe in and I've stated that. Your entire response amounts to one big Strawman argument. Next time, reply to what I
actually said (on the page) instead of foisting your assumptions on me.
---------- Post added 11-21-2009 at 03:47 AM ----------
---------- Post added 11-21-2009 at 03:52 AM ----------