Frankly, a reasonably proved extraterrestrial craft would secure the jobs for years of just about all our elected officials. With that little observation it seems that Geo Bush, and all those who are dependent upon his good luck in the polls, and his good graces otherwise, would be looking for extraterrestrials under every leaf. :wink:
The Air Force general, The Hubble watchers, or the amateur astronomer that first noted one would be feted considerably, and probably would end up wealthy, famous, and revered.
The panic felt by the supersticious, and a feeling of uncertainty amongst even the most educated amongst us would assure whatever government was in power a cinchure. The starting of a war, or an increase of international dischord has been used by politicians to ensure their jobs since long before Phillip of Macedon jumped the Bosporus.
Imagine the political benefits of an interplanetary crisis
In recent memory, Kennedy in the US, The Argentine junta in the Falklands, Hitler, Mao, Arafat and others have all attempted to ensure their power, perks, and priveleges by imagining and convincing their people that there was some sort of threat of one kind or another and assuring them that they were the only ones who knew all about this and also that they were the best qualified to handle this threat.
(Envision how much Kennedy's AND Kruschevs reputations were enhanced , in their respective countries, by the "Cuban Missile Crisis".)
Imagine what a boost to the political minded amongst us would be
For mostly this reason I am afraid that nobody has ever seen an extraterrestrial vessel, signal, or being of any sort. The immediate political benefits to the keepers of the public purse would easily outweigh any other considerations. (Especially since there is very little likleyhood of our being able to do anything about it anyways).
IMO, We'd be informed, quickly