Alien life? -- your take on the subject

Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 11:47 am
Sentanta you are only half right about the melanin thingy. Umm, see the body needs to produce vitiman D and to do this it needs sunlight, however to much sunlight kills or a the least impeads vitiman d production so people in africa have darker skin to keep the sun from ruining the vitman d production, however in Europe and northeastern Asia there is obviously less sun so darker skin would really hurt the prouduction of the vitiman ergo the lighter skin.
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Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 11:50 am
Obviously, the physiological processes which protect us from that in our environments which may harm us is complex--i was simply providing a simple example which explains one of the reasons for the variety in human appearance.
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Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 12:07 pm
Neat, I was just trying to find an excuse to post, dang it this will not be a one liner!
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Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 12:34 pm
The best excuse to post at this site is that one is here . . .

If you go to The Fun and Games Forum you might find threads to post in.

The easiest to jump right in to is The Neverending Word Association Game . . .

Give a shot, Boss . . .
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Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 01:18 pm
Think about this: Ok, we all agree that Earth's compisition and stellar location was governed by gravity from other stellar bodies and the leftovers for super nove. In addation to this that the various forms and chemistries of lifeforms on Earth are in reaction to composition of Earth atmosphere (it changes form time to time), the light of the sun, the moon light and gravity, the current tempature and climate, the local terrane, and other lifeforms. Also that human culture, lanuage, culture, science, and even way of thinking are all influnced by the condition on Earth, the moon, our diet, and of course other lifeforms. If you don't pretend that you do. Because of the conditions on Earth it should be safe to assume that conditions on Earth are some what, if now wholly, unique. Now, I know now sane person (obviously not including contacties) is expecting E.Ts (well anyone who thinks they exist!) to be biogically simillar to us, but most still think that communication should be possible. However, with the diffrences between the conditions on Earth and that of their world (or worlds), it can be logical be surmized that even their very way of thinking is diffrent then any form of communication should be impossible, Even via mathamatic code (the number of fingers and toes we have govern our mathamatical ability and preception of numbers with their concepts).
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Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 01:25 pm
Actually, one of the most hilarious things about alien contact stories, two things, in fact, are that the aliens contacted are anthropomorphic, and that the "true believers" point to the similarity of descriptions of aliens as evidence of their visits. To me, it is simply evidence of a lack of imagination on the part of those concocting the visitation stories.
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 01:37 pm
Has anyone ever noticed the similarity of the Greys (the most reported alien type in abduciee reports) and the alien in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind? The movie alien only have smaller eyes and the have ears, but other than that they are exactlly the same...
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Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 01:41 pm
There was a couple driving in upstate New York in the 1950's who made an abduction claim. They described what you are referring to as the "grays." I suspect that whether consciously or not, those who are sufficiently deluded as to convince themselves they have seen aliens are simply describing the type with which they are familiar. I also believe--with good reason, having visited far more of the ufo sites than i think was good for my state of mine--that most of this claptrap is made from whole cloth, to separate the rubes from their cash; and that therefore, the writers of this particular type of fiction have recourse to the archetypes their intended audience will recognize and expect to see described.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 01:42 pm
It's almost similar to trying to paint Jesus before anybody has actually seen the live one. Anybody try to paint god yet? he he he...
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2004 04:19 pm
Right, C.I., Have you seen the result of attempts by forensic scientists to determine what Jesus looked like? A stocky, dark semitic individual SO UNLIKE the image most Christians entertain. Also, I am amazed when uneducated people go berserk upon seeing an image of the Virgin Mary on some wall (usually a water or oil stain). How in the world do they know what the Virgin looked like?
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Reply Sun 18 Apr, 2004 07:58 am
that's easy jlN;
any female image on a wall, or other suitable display space, bearing a recognizable 'stain', is obviously the virgin Mary!
(in' it?)
[and most true believers start planning their future investments, when they come across such a 'relic'!]
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Reply Sun 18 Apr, 2004 10:16 am
er... for the original question... yes I do believe there is intelligent life besides us. The univers is simple too big, to think that we are the absolute only life in the entire infinite universe is kinda... egotistical...

[jesus was not 'god'. he was a prophet. muahaha.]
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Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2004 06:44 am
Setanta are you talking about Betty and Barney Hill? I don't think that the writers of this stuff are in it for the cash, the indivivdual who wrote the communion books publishies them himself and sees no profit what so ever. I read those books...
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Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2004 09:50 am
In 1948 (or 1947, ?), near (as in, within 50 miles) Roswell, New Mexico, a balloon of the weather balloon type came down in a remote area. The gentleman who was the caretaker of that property found the debris, and took it to the United States Army Air Force--he had previous experience of balloons coming down on the property. A reporter in Roswell, very likely responding to a slow news day, wrote a really absurd "flying saucer" crash story. The story died fairly quickly, and the USAAF was very secretive about it--it has since been revealed that the debris came from a top secret program which was launching the balloons as part of test of radar detection and the possibility of high altitude surveillance of the Soviet Union.

In 1978, one of these hucksters took that previously little known story and ran with it. He wrote a book, and an entire cottage industry sprung up around "the Roswell incident." Whereas there may be sincere (and in my opinion, significantly self-deluded ) individuals who write on these subjects, by and large, this is a vindication of the quote: "There's a sucker born every minute, and two born to take advantage of him." Both before this thread, and shortly after this thread started, i visited literally dozens of the "ufology" and alien visitation sites. They all retail the same information, and nearly every story has a single source, which is traceable, with difficulty. They link one another back and forth, and they sell their wares as fast as the suckers will line up. The problem inherent with such shell games is that those making money from it have a vested interest in attacking "the debunkers," whereas those who know better, and/or can disprove many of these allegations, really haven't the interest, and often lack the time, to do what it takes to refute them. They are also not in the business of refuting them, whereas the hucksters are very much in the business of pedalling dubious wares.

I remain unconvinced, either of alien visitation stories, or of the probity of the majority of those who tout these stories.
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Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2004 07:21 pm
Here is something to think about, in the country of Mali, there is a tribe called the Dogon with some strange traditions. From 1946 to 1950 two frenchmen, anthropogist, went to study the Dogon. Their names were Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen. In their strudies the found that the priests of the the tribe held shockling accurate astronomical data. They knew that the Sirius system is a binary star system, not only this but they are aware that Sirus B is a white dwarf, saying that it is "heavier than all the iron on Earth". They know Sirus B takes 50 years to orbit Sirus A and that it orbit is elliptical, not circular.

According to historian Robert K. G. Temple, they aquired the information for the Greeks, Egytians, and Babylonains; however the information orginally came from a race of amphibious extraterrestrial beings called the Nommos who landed in the Persian gulf. The Dogon say they decended in a great ark. How Temple arived to these conclusions was by drawing parallels between the Nomman and Oannes, babylonian sea god, with with his kind, tought the babylonian civiliztion. A discription of the Oannes, "The whole body was like that of a fish; and it had under a fish's head another head, and also feet below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish's tail. His voice, too, and lanuage, were articulate and human; amd a repersentation of his is prserved even to this day", priest Berossus, Babylonian History.

Now it could be said that the information was passed to the Dogon Via missionaries seeing as Sirius B existance was discovered in 1862. However, the was some extra information the Dogon has that was discount as religious Dogma untill 1995, the Dogon spoke of a third star in the Sirus system which was discovered in 1995...

None of this is in anyway hard proof, but it is something to think about!
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Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2004 07:25 pm
And the first thing about which i would think is the source of this information. Did you read the primary documents, or is this from a source which you are reasonably convinced read the primary sources?
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Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2004 07:27 pm
You post quickly!

Unfortunetly, I did read the primary documents, wasting a rather large chunk of my life...

Anything else?
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Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2004 07:31 pm
By the way, i have read about the Dogon, and their knowledge of the existence of the Dog Star. I know of the study which was done, although i do not recall any mention of the Dogon "knowing" that there was a companion star to Sirius, let alone alleging a triune stellar system. I know who Berosusus was, a priest of Bel. I have not read any of the translations to the Greek he is said to have transcribed from the Semitic, although i am certain that no original text remains, even fragmentary, but rather that his text is reported by various ancient historians, the most celebrated of whom would be Josephus. Absent the bibliography of the author whose version of these events you are providing, i remain sceptical.
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Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2004 07:37 pm
Well, this is from my own reaserch, although most of the information was scoured form serveral text books, so I guess that they are not a primaty document... however the way the events are placed together come from my own reasoning, doubtfully on the error of the writers.
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Reply Mon 10 May, 2004 03:54 pm
I believe there is alien life but not in our universe, in other dimensions. I have a theory that blackholes and wormholes in space lead to a whole other world, or maybe even time, that might be why we see ghosts also, a rip in time, that is happening now? A bit confusing but think of it.
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