Alien life? -- your take on the subject

Reply Mon 10 May, 2004 04:01 pm
SqUeAkz I have thought about it lately. Afghanistan and Iraq are special places and I do believe all the turmoil there can and does disrupt the cosmic unconscious. Speaking for myself and the Supreme Bean of course.
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Reply Sun 20 Jun, 2004 04:32 pm
I think there is life on other planets, but not in our
solar system.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 05:34 am
If the universe is infinite, and if only a finite number of worlds are inhabited, then the population of the universe = a finite number divided by infinity, which is a very small number. So maybe before we start thinking about aliens we should question whether the Earth is actually inhabited at all.

(Douglas Adams)

Titter titter.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 12:24 pm
Once :sad:
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 12:20 pm
Re: Alien life? -- your take on the subject
Monger wrote:
What do you think about the possibility of extra-terrestrial lifeforms in the universe?

Possibility? I'd call it certaintly. However I find the idea that they've been sending us signals rather unlikely.

But I consider it to be beyond belief that all these stars, all these galaxies contain no life:


On Earth, you gotta work hard to get rid of all life in even a tiny spot. We look in places where life shouldn't exist and find it there staring back at us.
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g day
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2004 06:22 am
I think you can rule the chances of intelligent life based on a carbon / silicon / germanium chemistry to 1 in 10 ^20 for our galaxy of 100 billion stars. Across the 10 ^13 galatic super clusters its still not adding much chance - and remember 2/3 of these are outside our Hubble sphere - so light, radiation, gravity from theses stars clusters can never reach us - so is the question made less meaningful?

I think there is a small chance the simplest life structure - bacteria or viruses might travel through space on commets. But enzymes would be too complex to travel this way and survive the journey.

So appreciate what we have - we may be veru alone?

From a faith point of view I asked awhile ago "Why is the Unverse so big (10^26 stars) if God wants us to live on only 1 star?" My take being God made the universe using science and to get a domain we could live in required that much excess space and matter - or we are supposed to do something with it one day.

Interest question though. We originally came from the stars oursleves (star stuff made all heavy atoms) so perhaps our building blocks were extra terrestial in origin (maybe Eden was in Saggitarus) and maybe if some of our genetic material came to Earth - others went elsewhere ad by that 1 in 10^20 thousand chance against found somewhere else nice to live too!
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Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2004 02:49 pm
I don't know, but I think I'll eventually come up with a theory of my own. Or maybe I already have - We're simply parasites of the universe. For what I believe, the universe seems to be pretty logical.
The one thing I find interesting to point out is that we all should be very glad that we live far apart from the intelligent life forms out there, just in case there are any. We shouldn't try to communicate.
We're not ready for it. As simple as that.
We apparently can't co-exist in peace with our own kind living across the ocean. Just imagine what an intergalactic war would be like.

I don't want to be the witness of that. he he
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 07:18 am
Hi Craven: Ever is a long time. Humans may be colonizing a new planet daily in a few centuries. How about "no contact in this century"?
My best guess is the movie "Men in Black" is a documentary, with only a few embellishments. Neil
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 10:03 am
That could only be true predicated upon an assumption that we will encounter many alien forms of life which can survive in an oxygenated atmosphere of mostly nitrogen, and who will not find our gravity well too strong or too weak.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 12:41 pm
Gravity is an interesting amusement. It should be taken in modest quantity with a little water and NO ICE
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 02:28 pm
Gravity is not just a good idea . . . it's the law!
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 02:33 pm

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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 02:37 pm
Setanta wrote:
Gravity is not just a good idea . . . it's the law!

I' m certain that if an advantage could be found, Congress could be lobbied to repeal it.
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 02:40 pm
It would pretty well have to have been an electoral advantage . . . You've got one Congressional session to make loud noises as though you were actually going to keep your campaign promises, and then the next session rolls around, and you've got a reelection campaign on your hands.

Them boys and girls is so busy gettin' reelected, its a wonder they have time to cash the checks . . .
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Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2004 12:20 pm
i believe in alien life, i believe that the universe is so big there must be atleast millions of civilized alien life out there
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Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2004 12:43 pm
That all good and fun, but it is pointless to really ponder the exsistance fo alien life, due to the fact that in our life time we will never see the contact of an alien speices
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Gold Barz
Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2004 07:43 pm
yeah in this lifetime its probably not gonna happen
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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 05:54 pm
You Want the Truth? Bare with me. Aliens are Angels.

For the Angel's were Messenger's of God. Why wouldn't they be Smarter then us and Far more Advance in Science? I mean, God created all, why wouldn't his Messengers be able to use all of the Elements in Science. Wait, there's more. The Bible clearly states that in the end time, the AntiChrist will Deceive the entire world. But not before the Rapture takes place. Alright Alright. How In the hell would he do that? I mean, Alot of Unsaved people have heard of the Rapture no? Oh wait, What if the Rapture is something that happens that we wasn't expecting. The Goverment has been preparing us for this. Notice how quickly our world has gotten far Advance, compared to only 50 years ago? You actually think all this happend because we just got smart all the sudden? No, you see, there is also what the bible calls "Fallen Angel's" They are Evil mind you. They have been living here on Earth for a long time. In fact, a few has been even working with the US Goverment. They have been teaching us how to use the Elements of life. These Alien's. We will be so blinded by the truth when the rapture takes place. In our eyes, everyone will be blaming such a thing on Aliens. Because when it happens. There will be proof! Very Timely proof that Alien's are real. But oh how blind we are from not knowing the truth. Just read the description of the Angel's who Surround the Garden of Eden. They had Eye's all around their head and three sets of wings. Well, if I saw such a thing, I'd **** in my pants because I just saw something that is not of this world. For so long now we've been taught that Angel's are nothing but a spook in the sky. Angel's are so peaceful and gentle and, well almost Ghost like. Wake up. the bible clearly states how Angel's are Flesh and bone. They are Real. They are Real I repeat. And yes, If they are real then that must mean that there's some Evil ones aswell. Anyway, the Fallen angel's are speeding up the Mark of the beast that will take place very soon. Soon, We want be able to live without Somesort of Number through the Internet. Soon. Oh yes, Many will be so far off that they'll believe anything the Antichrist tells them. Cause it's Impossible that Angel's are real beings. Haha. Nah, Hopefully this doesn't happen soon because I plan on turning this into a movie when I make it in the Glamours world of Showbiz. It's gonna Follow through Revelations throughout the whole movie but the people who's watching it is not gonna even know it. Well, not until the end. Hehe, My goal will be to Decieve the viewers. Anyway. Thats my take on Aliens!
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Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2004 05:47 pm
Good luck with your motion picture plans . . .
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Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2004 06:15 pm
Yeah thanks, just hope it doesn't happen before I do it. Just a note, Just about, well no. Every Single person I had ever told that too has Either gotten Offended or upset, or pissed off, or became a smart ass about it. I have yet to find one single person who thinks that it could happen. Not one. Which only proves my Theory right. It's the perfect way for Satan to decieve the whole world. The only way. Heh, Try telling what I said about Aliens to any Church. They'd start rebuking you because the last thing anyone wants to think about is the 'Fact' that Angel's are Real Flesh, living beings. It's almost as if they're afraid to think of Angel's that way. I find it rather amusing.
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