Ive heard that statement on TV about respecting the "same laws of physics and evolution". However, there are many interpretations of the same laws, and on tv, they didnt speak of the laws of CHEMIASTRY. What if life is not Carbon based? Its possible that several other elements, acting like carbon, cpuld form the chemical basis of a type of life but in a fashion that we could never imagine. For an example, a Silicon or Phosphorus based life (or Fe Cu Se) could be figured as a tetrahedron rather than bilaterally symmetrical. Also, since evolution is usually "Tinkering" with bodyplans, we have an almost infinite number of plans that could result if the tinkering werent based upon an exactly same set of environmental circumstances that occured on earth.
EG, if there was no marked increase in O2 on a planet like during the Devonian through the Carboniferous here on earth, we may not have evolved insects or developed lungs. LIfe could be in the form of great big gossammer, air floating jellyfish.
There are a whole bunch of exobiologists whove looked at the possibilities that resulted from every environmental challenge (They looked at some of the major bodyplan developments that resulted) and Theyve concluded that evolution barely tapped the barrel of possibilities.
However, on the other side,It does turn out that, for this planet, several body plans for plants and animals were so successful and good that they developed several times on totally different organisms.