The Confederacy was About Slavery

Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 10:32 am
I got this link from Emory University
I know the author meant "discarded" evidence not "discovered"
I just didn't correct it
Wanna bet some black professor wrote it?
Slavery is still going on
Don't lecture me, go fix up their records.
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 05:42 pm
Genius is among us.
And you . Dont forget you have tried to contribute .
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 05:44 pm
Very Happy Smile Very Happy Laughing Razz Smile Very Happy Mr. Green Laughing Razz Smile Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed
Dont they have professional mental health services where you live ? Or are you happy sitting in the audience criticising the participants ?
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 05:47 pm
In his autobiography, Frederick Douglas was taught in secret how to read, by his master's wife. Naturally he was very irate when he found this out.
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 05:59 pm
Slaves used to be treated very violently till the ban on slavery ships by Britain started to have more and more of an effect . Then it was cheaper to breed them locally.....as their value increased, they were treated better, though still in a manner that most of us would find shocking . The Agricultural Revolution would have ended slavery in the fields...the unions following the Industrial Revolution ended slavery in the factories.....all of this was generated by money .

Slavery was a means to an end....to say the means was the end is pathetically stupid (reading this Farmerman and Snood?) .

There are no end to the people who want to glorify war...apparently it is taught in USA schools that the North fought the South to free the slaves....what lovely people ! Apparently it was the only war in history that was fought for lovely reasons, not money and power . A war where they killed more white men then almost all their other wars in their history put together . A war where they had the policy of destroying the South so it could never secede again....it seems they forgot about the real issue when they were fighting it....or these apologist clowns are wrong .

Snood is black and is stuck in the "poor pitiful me" syndrome . Famerman is white and stuck in the "we may have done it but at least we fixed it" syndrome . Two different ways of coming up with the same wrong reason for a war . Problem is, if we dont learn from war we are doomed to repeat it .

Perhaps the Gulf wars were fought to free the arabs...perhaps WWII was fought to save the Jews...are there any other examples of wars (in this case a particularly bloody and destructive war) fought out of love for another people ? Any ?
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:04 pm
the Oz nitwit......The AUstralian is just a total fool.....if youre a USer
Racism ? You would make a fine plantation boss, boss !

who has been turning this thread into a a personal enmity-fest against USers
Are you trying to win me sympathy votes ?

revisionists of our history.
Ahhhh.....dickhead ? History belongs to everyone . It is not my fault you are taught what wonderful marvelous people you are who only fight for truth, justice and the American way....oh, wait, that was superman, wasnt it ? Well, same deal, just on a national scale .
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:08 pm
I didn't know the man is from Australia but who cares?
They care EM...they believe only fish know the truth of the War of the Pacific because fish live there .

I have shown the primary causes were money in the South and Power in the North....not love versus hate for the black man .
Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:11 pm
What kind of incredible idiocy leads you to belive that slave owners spent any money on health care
They spent money on horses because they were too valuable to throw away . What kind of incredible idiocy leads you to believe otherwise ? If your car develops a problem, do you trash it and get another or do you do what common sense dictates and get it fixed ?
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:18 pm
I have shown the primary causes were money in the South and Power in the North....
All youve done is scream at people, incite , and insult almost everyone.
I must remind you that you have not added a damn thing except undocumented opinions, whereas everyone on the affirmative has dumped tons of historical documents and other writings.
SO when you get to present some actual facts , let me know.

You are covering up some deep ignorance that should embarrass your country folks. Ive heard that Oz has a pretty good system of education. It appears that you are the exception ?

If you wish to claim some "ownership" of US history, try at least to learn it and the arguments of several sides. You seem to get stuck in one groove and never even consider the alternatives.ALso, You have failed to make any compelling arguments when you try to present your own point, unless you confuse cussing and insult as a compelling argument.
Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:34 pm
All youve done is scream at people, incite , and insult almost everyone.
Scream ? Incite ....what...rebellion ? Insults were never directed at me....oh, wait...you, snood, Setanta and Ed insulted me first didnt you...stop crying, blow your nose and mummy will buy you an ice cream if you are good boys .

I must remind you that you have not added a damn thing except undocumented opinions, whereas everyone on the affirmative has dumped tons of historical documents and other writings.
I don't have to...all those documents are blatantly supporting the reasons were money and power....all you manage is to read the word slavery and stop . This is due to a lack of intelligence and brainwashing revisionist history classes in grade 5 the memory of which you are too fond of to discard .

If you wish to claim some "ownership" of US history, try at least to learn it and the arguments of several sides.
I have read every post here...I am not the one who puts people on ignore like you do...incidentally, you told me I was on ignore....when did you take me off and why wasnt it proudly announced like when you put me on ?

unless you confuse cussing and insult as a compelling argument.
You have tried many times to intimidate me with insults....unfortunately for you, I am better at throwing insults then you so you give up and try the polite academic ploy....who do you think you are fooling ?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:35 pm
I got this link from Emory University
I know the author meant "discarded" evidence not "discovered"
I just didn't correct it
Wanna bet some black professor wrote it?
Slavery is still going on
Don't lecture me, go fix up their records
Your attempt at a point just went over my head. What IS your point? Seems you were agreeing with the crazy AUstralian. Where are your documents regarding how slavery WAS NOT the underlying issue of the Conederacy or the Civil War.

If you still say its money, I say DUHHH. Money is what was earned by slavery.
Lets say you were a drug dealer and you got nailed for income tax evasion. DO you really think that the underlying reason for the FEds to come and investigate was merely income tax evasion? Slavery was an institution and was considered vital to the commerce of South Carolina, for when they, as the first state to secede, Id think that , unless you have some deep held agenda, you would easily agree that the issue of slavery was what their argument and secession was all about. THey even explain in their initial secession proclamation that the issues of "Self determination and property rights" were code words for slavery.
Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:36 pm
Let's starve the troll. We can treat it like behavioral research.

If we take away the dependent variable of reasonable posts and the independent variable of troll spew is stopped, we can try to determine if any correlation exists between removal of the positive reinforcement and stoppage of the troll spew.
Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:38 pm
OK you are right of course, I really have tried but he keeps coming up with ever taller piles of garbage.
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Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 07:30 pm
Lets say you were a drug dealer and you got nailed for income tax evasion. DO you really think that the underlying reason for the FEds to come and investigate was merely income tax evasion?Just out of curiosity, why do you think the person was selling drugs ? Because they believe it was a right or to make money ?

FYI, Al Capone was busted for tax evasion.
The feds couldnt get him for his criminal activities, but they did get him for not paying taxes on his illegal money.
Reply Sat 16 Apr, 2011 11:54 pm
FYI, Al Capone was busted for tax evasion.
Thank you but I was aware of that...are you aware he thought he was doing the public a service ?

So why do people sell drugs ? Because of human rights or to make money ?

Why was the USA Civil War fought ? Because of human rights or to protect profits ?
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Reply Sun 17 Apr, 2011 02:17 am
For what cause did the common Confederate combat Soldier fight for? Most of whom were poor Southern White men. For the preservation of Slavery??

It's common knowledge that the rank poverty of these poor Southern whites was only made worse by the wide spread practice of Slavery. After all, why hire them to do manual labor, work your plantations, or build your roads when you have your own work force free of charge??

I find it hard to believe that these dirt poor Southern men fought and died so that rich white men in big mansions could continue to enjoy the benefits of living in high luxury with free help; while at the same time only making their own... and their families' lot in life worse.
Reply Sun 17 Apr, 2011 02:50 am
Just out of curiosity, why do you think the person was selling drugs ? Because they believe it was a right or to make money ?

I've spoken to a lot of drug dealers. They do it for the money, and yes, definitely because they think it's their right to do it if they can- even if they can't get away with it. Many of them don't think they're doing anything wrong at all.


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