If you are trying to cheer me up it is working

I may never be ready to let go, so, I guess I am just going to try and distract my attention elsewhere. Although I keep coming back to the sadness. I can't lose the hope that he will come back and finish what he started.
He knows how he made me fall in love with him, he did it on purpose and with skill. He avoided me so he would not have to give me back my spare apartment key. He knows I am well aware of that key and knows I have not asked for it back. The key is a symbol between us.
I just hope that in his own silence he is not hurting as bad as I am. I tend to think he is hurting and it is only a matter of time and he will be back. Perhaps I in some way like waiting on a man. Some men know how to tantalize so bad (good) that one never can forget their charm, then the passion always seems alive and intense. The chase can seem more exciting than the actual catch. Though I have my eye this time on the catch.
I really respect everyone's advice and I can't thank you enough shewolf and all of the other really considerate members here for caring and helping me to come to grips with this.
Love is like a storm that within the eye of the storm there is a shelter, a stillness and safety from the raging tempest of emotions.
I have always been a dreamer but I have lately been thinking about hope.
Often we hear of hopes and dreams as if they are not the same thing. I know I am prone to dreaming but lately I have found a refuge in hope.
When I lose this hope then I begin to face my fears and my dreams become nightmares.
I can't really say that every day gets better as I move away from all of this. It sometimes seems like it gets more dire, sad and desolate.
The things we do for love.