blatham wrote: These aren't fringe people.
No, Blatham, these are not fringe people. Their latest victory over CBS concerning the "disrespectful," fiction-laced movie the network was to air about Ronald and Nancy Reagan underscores this point.
In a massive capitulation to prior restraint, CBS has given in to these right-wing groups and talk radio fans. As everyone knows, CBS has now decided not to show the movie, deciding instead to air it on the Showtime cable channel.
Now, many people don't have access to Showtime. Perhaps cable TV is not in their area and perhaps they can't afford a premium channel like Showtime even if it was.
Thus, by airing the film on such a channel, CBS dilutes its viewership and further stifles any dissenting viewpoint the film's producers were trying to attempt, if any.
Few people have actually seen the entire film. I would guess that none of the loud mouths are among those few. A threatened boycott of CBS advertisers proved too tough a challenge for the network.
The prior censorship of this movie -- merits or demerits aside -- further erodes First Amendment rights and further extols the power of the far-right in this country.
It's seemingly okay to act "hysterical" about political issues if one is a member of a group which acts hysterically. If you are not a part of the hysteric right-wing agenda, then you have no business in the America of Dubya and his minions.