blatham wrote: This ten commandments issue and the Partial Birth issue will be pushed front and center for the election. The goal will be to motivate christians to get out and vote.
I am in complete agreement with you here. Let's not forget other non-issues such as same-sex marriages, prayer in public schools, the Pledge of Allegiance flap and, voila, gun control.
These issues are created by Republicans to provide a smokescreen for the real issue which is whether or not Dubya is fit to be president for four more years.
The controversy over the Ten Commandments will really heat up later this month when Roy Moore appears before the Alabama Court of the Judiciary which will decide if Moore, now suspended, should be removed entirely from the office of Alabama chief justice.
Politicos in Alabama seem to believe that should Moore be dismissed as chief justice, then his next move will be a run for a U.S. Senate seat. Moore will not go gently into that good night.