Lola wrote:Craven,
I think you're an opinionated little tyrant who cares more about having the last word than about participating constructively.
I am sorry that my opinion doesn't coincide with yours, it should come as no surprise to you that I disagree about being a tyrant as well and I also disagree that "constructive" discussion means never saying anything negative that you can cosntrue as a grave insult.
I am less tolerant of religion than you are. I think Bush looks silly to think God annointed him and I have a longstanding issue with people who think they were appointed by a god (grew up in a cult where the leaders proclaimed themselves prophets). I know fundamentalism well and frankly if I had my druthers religion would be a capital offense. I simply realize that my opinion has as much merit and right as those who wish to do silly things like pray. I have not called you names. I have said that the claim that America is turning into a fundamentalist Christian state is hysterical. ebrown had excellent comments on this. Use of hysteria and fear as a tactic is counterproductive.
Diane noted that it bolsters the religious by letting them don the blanket of "persecution". I know this well.
So you've taken objection to my opinion, you call me rude and add a few more names there. What you don't seem to care about is that I have only labeled an opinion hysterical, and I stand by it without resorting to insults.
I can't help it if you take a negative opinion I have as an insult. That you think this gives you the right to insult puzzles me.
When the administration was saying Iraq was a threat and referenced mushroom clouds I called that hysteria as well. Some agree with the administration but they managed to realize that my consideration of the threat to by hyperbolic hysteria was not a violation of teh TOS and if it were no meaningful discussion would be possible.
I object to you calling me rude, and I haven't given you any appelations so you are reciprocating an act that did not occur.
Yes hysterical is a pejorative term. And the rules are not such that no negative opinions can be expressed. The rules aim to prevent what you have just done above, by making the people the focus instead of the issue.
I had no intention of "insulting" you. I commented and gave an opinion that another opinion is hysteria. Others have done the same, and they weren't trying to insult you either.
There is no need for the conversation to degenerate into unecessary namecalling. I have not done that to you and don't appreciate it.