edgarblythe wrote:
While he was swimming, a rare katipo spider crawled into the shorts he had left on the beach. When the man returned, he put them back on and fell asleep " but the trapped spider then nipped him on his manhood.
During the Gulf War, we were always told to shake out our boots before putting them back on in order to avoid snakes or scorpions.
To heck with the man! Poor pea sized spider! Poor spider indeed is what I'm thinking!! The guy's an idiot for taking his shorts off in the first place then not shaking them out before putting them back on.
Poor spider moseying along then she finds some shade (the shorts). Takes a cool brief rest in this cotton cave of sorts. Then all of a sudden the world starts shifting and rising from the ground then the poor spider is trapped in the dark along with this sinister
snake!! What else can this spider do but defend itself!!