Yeah, thanks. Works great.

This apparent house in Raleigh is not a house at all.
The ordinary-looking house on Wade Ave actually disguises a pump station for the city of Raleigh public utilities.
A pump station is basically a supercharger - Water comes in, the station speeds it up, and pushes the water uphill. Without these things, the city's water would run backwards. It would never get to your sink.
The city has about 20 different pump stations, but Wade Avenue's is the only one that looks like a house.
We have places like this here in Tasmania, Australia, edgarblythe. On another note......
..... Another of the six part, six one hour, epic showcasing of the funniest men, women and moments in American entertainment
Make ‘Em Laugh: The Funny Business of America-was on TV last night.
Make ‘Em Laugh is a must-see if you have any sense of historical knowledge of American comedy or are looking to educate yourself in this field. If you know all these acts, or even some of them, or even none of them, you’ll have an education, a blast, reliving some classic skits and film footage. This is a fantastic primer on some of the all-time greatest comedic moments in the world of film, television, Vaudeville, radio and everything else.-Ron Price with thanks to
ABCTV2, 11:35 pm to 12:30 p.m. 22 & 23/9/11.
This stunning image is actually five women decorated by world champion body-painter Johannes Stötter to look like an amphibian. Absolutely amazing.
hingehead wrote:
This stunning image is actually five women decorated by world champion body-painter Johannes Stötter to look like an amphibian. Absolutely amazing.
Wow, that is really wonderful.
It does nothing for me chai.
Not everyone's mind ends in words as mine does. Some minds end in their hands: on keyboards, on violin strings, in pieces of wood, on potters' wheels, paint brushes. Other minds end in the feet and legs: ballerinas, dancers, skaters. I have always been remorselessly curious, relentlessly analytical, a wordsmith, although I did not seem to even begin to blossom, flourish, as a writer until my late thirties. Then an intellectual self-definition began to take form in essays I wrote and published in newspapers at the age of forty.
I took myself seriously but, having been in Australia for thirteen years by then, I had discovered a certain lightness, a counter to gravitas, writing as performance. In Australia, humour is virtually compulsory, with a deep cynicism below the surface of that humo0ur. Having lived with TV for perhaps a dozen years by then, I often pictured myself as a celebrity. I wrote, to some extent, as if I was a celebrity, a serious one. -Ron Price with thanks to Peter Conrad, "The Public Intellectual", ABC Radio, 21 June 1998, 5:05-6:00 PM.
Some thinkers have become
media buffoons, hired clowns;1
others endlessly serious: gravitas,
gravitas, gravitas---on those endless
talking head shows---scholarly, erudite.
Some write as if they are changing the
world, reality, remaking existence,
filtering things through imagination,
telling us, in fact, we will not perish.
And I write but am never sure of
what's going down, spontaneous,
not calculated, not knowing, surprised
by joy, a seduction through language,
a mysterious power which talks to me.
Ron Price
21 June 1998
1 Peter Conrad, an Australian writer who left Tasmania in 1968 to live in England, says Gore Vidal is such a clown.
Artistic Mom Turns Meals into Masterpieces
http://twistedsifter.com/2013/10/artistic-mom-turns-meals-into-masterpieces/#.UtwtbJSyK4k.twitter via @twistedsifter
Srsly? If it takes this much effort to get a kid to eat I'd swap it for a dog.
In Japan now, I am informed, there are more pets than children. Having kids and raising them to adults is no simple task. It is obviously easier to have a pet canary, dog or cat.-Ron
If I was a kid again, Id be all over my mom for having her fingers all over my food. You think she wore plastic gloves when she made that thing?
Id send those kids out into the woods with a .22 , a knife, a pack of paper plates , and some matches and say"bon apatit"
Fuckin whiney ass kids.
What the hell is that face painted with?
She used rice for the head and body, seaweed for the dress and facial features, pasta for the hair, cheese and seaweed for the arrow and so on. The red sauce is ketchup.
Quote:Fuckin whiney ass kids.
But the kid possibly avoids any neuroses about cannibalism.
Houndstooth dogtent for the camper dog!
farmerman wrote:
If I was a kid again, Id be all over my mom for having her fingers all over my food. You think she wore plastic gloves when she made that thing?
Id send those kids out into the woods with a .22 , a knife, a pack of paper plates , and some matches and say"bon apatit"
Fuckin whiney ass kids.
What the hell is that face painted with?
I'm more worried about the neurosis of the parent who's doing this stuff.