I don't know if you got how I was being cute
From wikipedia (my emphasis)
A proton, composed of two up quarks and one down quark. (The color assignment of individual quarks is not important, only that all three colors be present.)
Composition Elementary particle
Statistics Fermionic
Generation 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Interactions Electromagnetism, Gravitation, Strong, Weak
Symbol q
Antiparticle Antiquark (q)
Theorized Murray Gell-Mann (1964)
George Zweig (1964)
Discovered SLAC (~1968)
Types 6 (up, down,
strange, charm, bottom, and top)
Electric charge +2⁄3 e, −1⁄3 e
Color charge Yes
Spin 1⁄2
Baryon number 1⁄3
Droll, huh?