@Joe Nation,
I'm surprised you had the guts to even show your face again, Joe. That's not like you. You normally flee from anything that remotely resembles controversy. And when it's your contentions that are questioned, you run all the faster.
Okay, this is creepy.
Apparently there is a toy The Elf on the Shelf that parents are supposed to:
1) tell their children that it is magic
2) that it is watching their every move AND going to the North Pole every night to rat....er, report to Santa re: the child's naughty/nice ratio
3) that it comes back every morning and you find it in a different place.
That's not the creepy part. The creepy part is that Good Morning America screwed up and showed PARENTS moving the fricking thing around thus letting the kids in on the scam.
AND they did a retraction, a walkback and double-twist horizontal arabesques
in order to make up for the screw-up.
look here:
http://observer.com/2012/12/good-morning-america-backtracks-on-hard-hitting-elf-expose-claims-new-toy-really-goes-to-north-pole-to-see-santa-video/<br />
Joe(are we having fun?)Nation
@Joe Nation,
You've outdone yourself. Brilliant defense of your "position", Joe.
Korean Central News Agency says its country's archaeologists have proven the existence of unicorns.
The news organization reported that archaeologists have "reconfirmed" the existence of a unicorn lair that belonged to an ancient king. It says a trek into Pyongyang City, about 200 meters from a temple by the name of Yongmyong, will lead you to a rectangular rock carved with the words "Unicorn Lair."
Likely unicorns evolved into jackalopes. That's why you don't see any these days.
Judge's unusual order to man with nine kids: Stop procreating
Racine County Sheriff's Department
Corey Curtis, 44, was sentenced to three years of probation on Monday with the condition that he is not to procreate until he
can support the nine children he fathered with six women.
By Andrew Mach, NBC News
A Wisconsin judge has ordered a man who owes $90,000 in child support after fathering nine children with six women to not have any more kids, at least for now.
Racine County Circuit Court Judge Tim Boyle sentenced Corey Curtis, 44, to three years of probation on Monday with the condition he is not to procreate until he shows he can support his children, according to court documents.
Curtis pleaded no contest in October to one count each of felony bail jumping and failure to pay child support.
That is quite odd, edgar.
another oddity with humor.
The Octopus
Tell me, O Octopus, I begs
Is those things arms, or is they legs?
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I'd call me Us.
Ogden Nash
Good one, Letty.
edit: well, except for the poop.
letty, octopi under stress sometimes eat off their own legs or so I read the other day.
A suspected burglar called 911 after the owner of the home he broke into caught and held him at gunpoint.
The suspect, Christopher Moore, placed the emergency call in Springtown, Texas, during the botched burglary attempt early Tuesday after James Gerow, the homeowner, and Gerow's son pointed guns at him as he sat in his pickup truck parked in the driveway.
"I'm out in the country somewhere," Moore told the 911 operator during the 10-minute call. "Some guy's got a gun on me."
Gerow's wife, Lindy, placed a concurrent call to 911 that confirmed Moore's account.
"You better come quick," she said, "or my husband's going to shoot him."
"If he gets out of the truck, shoot him in the legs," James Gerow told his son, according to the Dallas Morning News Crime Blog. "You ain't gotta kill him—just shoot him in the legs."
When police arrived, both Moore and Lindy Gerow were still talking to 911 dispatchers.
According to CBS' Dallas-Fort Worth affiliate, Moore was arrested and charged with burglary. He's currently being held on a $35,000 bond.
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A 12-year-old is accused of a crime because of what she did with her cell phone at school. Her story is a reminder of how because of our quickly changing technology, you may be breaking the law without even realizing it.
The 12-year-old Channelview ISD student's attorney says she was using her iPhone to take a picture of herself and a friend, but the phone has two camera lenses and she accidentally selected the wrong one. As a result, she snapped a picture of what could be percieved as a very racy picture of another young girl.
"They were telling me that I can get in a bunch of trouble for taking a picture like that, and I told them that it was an accident and they were like, 'no, you're lying,'" said the girl, who we're not identifying.
She was pulled out of class Friday at Alice Johnson Junior High, handcuffed, put into a patrol car and taken into custody all because of an incident Thursday at the school in the locker room. Her attorney says she was trying to snap a picture of herself and friends when she mistakenly took one out of her iPhone's forward-facing lens -- a picture of another student not fully clothed.
"She was just pulling down her pants, but not all the way -- barely," she told us.
The 12-year-old says she immediately realized her mistake and deleted the picture, even showing the girl who was in that alleged picture as she did.
But on Friday, she was arrested for taking it.
Lawyer Jack Carroll says the law protects the content that's on your phone. He says the Constitution was violated when investigators took the girl's phone to look for the picture.
"It's like having a government official or a police officer look through your diary. You can't do that without consent or a search warrant," he said.
But KTRK legal analyst Joel Androphy doesn't agree, saying the law is different because this occurred on school grounds.
"Like when you enter the airport you give up many of your constitutional rights; when you go into school you give up many of your constitutional rights in regards to search and seizure," Androphy said.
"They couldn't find nothing, but they're still saying that I did it," the 12-year-old said.
The girl just wants to go back to school. She's been suspended for three days and is being sent to an alternative school for another 30 days. She and her parents are appealing that assignment to alternative school.
We should note that investigators could not comment in any detail on this case because juveniles are involved.
Channelview ISD did not return our repeated calls for comment.
(Copyright ©2012 KTRK-TV/DT.
MOR bourgeoise flutterings of the virginal heart hinge.
Elephant Dung Coffee
GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Thailand -- In the lush hills of northern Thailand, a herd of 20 elephants is helping to excrete some of the world's most expensive coffee.
Trumpeted as earthy in flavor and smooth on the palate, the exotic new brew is made from beans eaten by Thai elephants and plucked a day later from their dung. A gut reaction inside the elephant creates what its founder calls the coffee's unique taste.
Stomach turning or oddly alluring, this is not just one of the world's most unusual specialty coffees. At $1,100 per kilogram ($500 per pound), it's also among the world's priciest.
For now, only the wealthy or well-traveled have access to the cuppa, which is called Black Ivory Coffee. It was launched last month at a few luxury hotels in remote corners of the world — first in northern Thailand, then the Maldives and now Abu Dhabi — with the price tag of about $50 a serving.