@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:Quote:Re: Joe Nation (Post 3986198)
We, I say this as a very proud American, are a myopic, short-sighted, self-centered bunch who believe ourselves to be the opposite.
Yourself excluded I suppose.
What people on our planet do not fit this description?
No, I very much include myself, I also believe I am in good shape but I know that I am 20 pounds overweight. (Actually thirty)
There may be other people on the planet who have a view of themselves which does not fully comport with reality, but we, dear Finn, we Norte Americanos, Americanskis, Amerikaners are the true example and exception. Not only do we claim and believe that this nation is exceptional because of it's history and make-up and thereby duty bound to export to the world our particular set of values, our political system and (a little less enthusiastically received of late) our economic wisdom, but we also tell the world that these values, systems and wisdom are the exclusive property of these United States.
Unmatchable. Untouchable. (Unless we admit we are secretly wishing that other countries would take ahold of the hem of our garment.) We are constantly stunned and disappointed that all the nations of the world aren't stunned and awed by us. They used to be. We thought.
Now by us, what the promoters of this idea mean, is not
all of us, just the parts they pretend are exceptional.
So, "We have the best healthcare system in the world".
(The world laughs)
So, "We build the finest products" (but not actually IN the USA) and
we are technologically ahead of every of( why are South Korea and Norway standing ahead of us in this line?)
We pretty much have to ignore the parts that clearly don't fit with being at the top. We claim to have, my favorite, "Family Values". One would think that that would be one of those core, exclusive to the US, values we would be promoting everyway everyday, but then the world peeks in, those bastards, and sees us fighting tooth and nail to defund public education, to make it impossible for families to thrive with only one of the parents working and allowing Corporations to have the same rights under the law as those tiny four person units comprised exclusively of a man, a woman and, unless they truly wish to stay middle class their entire lives, two children of any gender.
Yep, follow us world, watch how we build our future.
The really bad part about thinking we are a special breed is how it engenders the suspicion that anyone else attempting to mix in with us will somehow spoil the specialness. So the American Melting Pot does something odd, instead of combining all of the character of those in the pot, it first tries to boil off any portion of the newcomer which doesn't exactly fit with those already here. If you are not just like those cloddish, clannish good old boys down at the café, you better get working on becoming one.
As soon as you become myopic, short-sighted and self-centered while believing yourself to be the opposite, you're in.
Joe(you also have to twenty pounds or more overweight.)Nation