Quote: My concept is that we really seal the border, then make it possible and relatively easy to legalize those who are already here. Has nothing to do with how many immigrants we allow. Given border security, it also has nothing to do with wars on drugs.
Sealing the border -- i.e. ensuring that we make sure absolutely no one gets across without ruining damaging our economy or violating our own values, is really impossible. It should be clear to any reasonable person that what we are talking about is "significantly reducing" rather than "eliminating".
I think the area for compromise is in workplace enforcement, i.e. giving employers a very accurate way to quickly verify someones ability to work, and then strongly punishing people who violate. If you did this; then the flow across the border would greatly decrease.
I hate the idea of national ID-- but this seems like the direction the debate is going, and with reforms in other area, and if future enforcement is focused on employers, I would accept this.
Another way to relieve the pressure is to make legal immigration easier-- the most important part of this is that we need to offer much easier family reunification routes. Offering relief for same-sex marriages is also critical to any real solution.
Roger, I wonder if you and I could work out a set of details that both of us could feel comfortable.