30 Governors Threatened to be 'Removed'

Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 03:58 pm
I suspect you are right, Hawk, about the threats that are intercepted by the Secret Service and are never made public. But you can be sure that when 30 Govs receive letters, the media will pick up on it.
The letters sent said something to the effect "resign in 24 hours or you will be removed in 3 days." Mention was made earlier here that this was all about the upcoming mid-term election in November. It is a lot more than 3 days until Nov. I would, if I were in law enforcement, take this as a potentially threatening letter. Wouldn't you?
Sure, it could be a bunch of drunks in a bar or one disgruntled pro-apartheid former South African living in a basement spewing venom. But as I mentioned to Msolga, I am more concerned about the perhaps more deranged folks. They get their facts from blogs of dubious repute or talk shows that thrive only if they say something provocative.
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Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 03:59 pm
@Diest TKO,
It is in our interest that all threats be pursued and prosecuted with vigor. The problem is that our government has a long running proven record of incompetence at the task of separating threat from non-threat.
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 07:37 pm
Since we only know of the violence that wasent caught by our law enforcement I think its unfair to brand them as incompentant. We dont know how many times law enforcement has aborted problems. The news media only advertises the violence.
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 07:48 pm
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:31 pm
dyslexia wrote:

You're going to hell for your blasphemy, but I suspect you've known that for some time now.
pretty funny finn, next you'll be telling us you're a christian. I'm sure we'll all get a good laugh out of that.

Sorry Gabby, I'm not a Christian. No yucks there for you.

However, with so many millions of people believing (and I bet that deep down in your old crusted heart you do too, or will when the Grim Reaper comes calling) that Jesus is a deity, a sense of general respect for others should prevent such a gratuitous offense as vulgar blasphemy.

But if not, there's alway good old personal fear.

Can't recall the last time you wrote something like "Mother-f***ing Mohammed!" I'm sure it wasn't fear in the heart of a proud son of the Western dessert that influenced you, but we know that newspapers, publishing houses, film makers, and authors (to name but a few) around the world are afraid to risk Islamic accusations of blasphemy for far, far less offensive offences.

Since you seem to support the general notion that Christian Terrorist Groups are every bit as dangerous as Islamic Terrorist Groups, I have to applaud your courage and look forward to your next bit of gratuitous blasphemy directed at Allah or Muhammed.

After all Gabby, you are an inspirational leader for so many here on A2K. It's your duty.
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Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:44 pm
**** Mohammed with the camel he rode in on

the same goes for God (& the Trinity), Buddha, Zeus, Baal and all the made up things used to frighten folks
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:47 pm
**** Mohammed
the same goes for God (& the Trinity), Buddha, Zeus, Baal and all the made up things used to frighten folks
you are insulting most of the humans who have ever been.....you are really full of yourself aren't you..
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:52 pm
I would like to think that the majority of us can stipulate that, at the very least, violence as a means to advance a political agenda is acceptable in only the most extreme circumstances, AND that such circumstances do not even remotely exist in America.

Any group, irrespective of their idelogical bent, that argues for or threatens such violence is to be condemned, and any that actually employs such a tactic is to be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

So, it would seem, the real issue here is whether or not there is any evidence that the threat of politically motivated violence in America is any greater now than it has been in the last 10, 25, 50, or 100 years.

There is no such evidence that can support anything but a statistically meaningless increase in such a threat over the last few years.

There is, however, a clear element of a particular political strategy, to suggest otherwise and convert mere opposition to violent rage in the minds of those all too willing to be duped.

As someone has just pointed out, "remove" not only need not have the violent connotation edgar has implied, it is far more reasonable to assume it means removed from office rather than removed from life.

It is an old and nefarious trick to demonize one's opponents and it is a trick that has been used by both the Right and the Left. This time around, however, it is clearly being used by the Left and with the complicity and cooperation of its supporters.

When members of the Left called for, directly or otherwise, violence against George Bush I condemned them, but I sure as hell didn't wring my hands and bemoan the rise of violent Left-wing thuggery.

Those who are sounding the alarm about Right-wing terrorism are either hysterical or supporting a deliberate political strategy.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:54 pm
really, i didn't insult them personally, i don't know every human

as for being full of myself, not in the least, i can be a prick sometimes, but there you go

finn seems to think that folks are afraid to insult anyone but the christian god, i proved he's wrong

i have no real problem with any of the Deities, quite fond of the Norse ones myself, you've never told a friend off or been derogatory to them, it happens, big people should be able to shake it off

what i say about any Deity is between them (if they exist) and me, not their followers

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:54 pm
djjd62 wrote:

**** Mohammed with the camel he rode in on

the same goes for God (& the Trinity), Buddha, Zeus, Baal and all the made up things used to frighten folks

Brave, courageous, and annonymous djjd62!
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:55 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
It is an old and nefarious trick to demonize one's opponents and it is a trick that has been used by both the Right and the Left. This time around, however, it is clearly being used by the Left and with the complicity and cooperation of its supporters.

one of the smartest things i've read in this post so far
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Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 01:53 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

As someone has just pointed out, "remove" not only need not have the violent connotation edgar has implied, it is far more reasonable to assume it means removed from office rather than removed from life.

Okay, except the wording was more like 'or you will be removed within three days. Were there any elections planned within three days? I would call it a threat, though probably not a threat that anyone intended to carry through on.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 01:57 pm
I thought the wording was more "leave in three days or else face removal".
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 02:11 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
sure make fun of my name, i come from along line of d62's and we've always had to put up with that kind of abuse
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Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 02:43 pm
Well, I didn't quickly find an actual copy of any of the letters. Here's what I did turn up, and it doesn't sound like they were being warned about their next election chances. The actual wording would make a difference.


Governors Receive Threats From Extremist Group
Published: April 2, 2010

WASHINGTON " Governors around the country said Friday that they had received letters from an extremist group warning that they might be forcibly removed from office if they did not step down within three days.

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Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 06:50 pm
If the FIB thinks it's important enough to get involved, there is enough to cause concern.
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Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 09:32 pm
He really isn't because this forum isn't exactly CBS or the NYTimes . . . the audience reading this is pretty small.
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Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 01:29 am
edgarblythe wrote:

I just saw on local TV that Texas Governor was given 3 days to leave.

nah, you've gotten confused. That's the Easter story you're thinking of.
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Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 02:26 pm
Could you point out in each set which one is GWB?
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Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 02:30 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
BTW - You're going to hell for your blasphemy, but I suspect you've known that for some time now.

Don't you folks go confusing me with those right wing Christians now.
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