Quote:and, if necessary, we could kick their ass again on the battlefield.
I hope Setanta doesn't mean "us" as us on here. I presume he will leave the task, should it become necessary, to others. Whatever--you can count me out. I don't get all violently beligerent when I'm sat in my armchair.
And anyway--whether to have one or a few wives doesn't seem worth bothering that much about unless one is really stuck for an excuse to talk tough. There are definite advantages to having a few wives and one seems a bit risky considering how much our society abhors monopoly due to the use it can be put. Lesbians and homosexuals do group stuff and swapping around and nobody ever complains about that.
The main thing going for having a few wives is that it is sanctioned by evolution. So it's scientific as well as having all the other advantages which I won't list on account of how long it might take me. I know what King Kong would think.
I can see why those who think they might not be able to get a wife if we were allowed to have more than one each but what they are unlikely to realise is that it was the Christian religion which established our monogamy when there was no reason previously to do so, and it's no easy thing to make stick to the extent that other arrangements are rarely ever thought about and, if they are thought about it's automatically.
So that's something most of us can thank the Christian religion for. Or I hope so. But the evolutionary aspect of this whirling pile of space detritus on which we crawl about wasn't taking pity on those men who think they might not be able to get a wife of we were all allowed, in a free market place, to have as many as were willing. Fair play was not a factor. It was because expert scientific study of the available evidence suggested that it worked best in the service of promoting the prosperity of Christendom. The experts had of necessity to be aloof from the practicalities of the choices in order to supply the appropriate level of critical thinking to such a momentous task and one of such ghastly complexity.
Those who favour polygyny, or polyandry, or group espousals, or any combinations of them, freely chosen I mean, may well disagree with the Christian solution to what is, after all is said and done, a very longstanding problem, (pun intended), for scientific, evolutionary reasons. Having interpretated the data in a different way to those standing aloof from it.
There's a proper history lesson for you. All that ephemeral stuff Setanta parades is the scum on the surface. And he has me on Ignore because he's frightened of finding out I'm right.
It is a very interesting subject. And the "proper study of mankind is man", as Alexander Pope told us. He probably nicked it off an old Greek.
And a quick glance at the physiognomy of western Christian man shows pomp and circumstance, cathedral spires and church steeples sticking up all over the place and singing and dancing and symphonic masses being performed by mass choirs of virgins and matrons and home made jam at the Harvest Festival and bells ringing across the countryside to call decent folk to their praying and singing. It's as set fast as a leopard's spots.