Quote:spendius posts hundreds of anti atheist messages,
That assertion is not true. That you think my posts are anti-atheist does not make them so. I think your posts are anti-atheist. You present the atheist case in a manner which I think will put people off choosing to follow your calling. There is no point in a public debate unless the aim is to persuade the undecided. The site is called Able 2 Know and the undecided want to know the ins and outs of this very complex matter. There are many sites where atheists can gather and congratulate each other on their wisdom and perspicacity.
I think you are a drawing-room atheist. That's why you refuse to discuss the consequences of atheism. And that is all I am interested in and I cannot understand why anybody should be interested in anything else. If there is no effect there can be no cause.
And there is an effect of atheism. Both to individuals and to the collective. A profound effect. And the promotion of the philosophy of atheism really does have to justify itself on those effects just as every politician is required to justify his policies on the basis of their consequences.
Quote:all too often turning the focus of the thread away from the originator's stated purpose.
Only today, in answer to another blithe assertion of that nature, I quoted from the first post on this thread implying, of course, that my posts are in line with what was said there.
There is nothing unfair going on. Everything here is out in the open and above board. It is grossly unfair on young people reading here to present atheism without reference to contervailing arguments or to the consequences of adopting it. As Bob Dylan once said --"You can fry somebody's brain."