Wed 17 Apr, 2019 07:58 am
Cheerleading people's death must be loads of fun...
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 08:18 am
None more so than my own!
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 08:34 am
Let me know when that happens. I'll be there for your wake, all dressed up in miniskirt and pompoms.
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 08:55 am
Leadfoot wrote:

Well **** me

**** you. Neutral
0 Replies
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 10:29 am
Leadfoot wrote:

why would a Christian want to remain here after their sentence is up?

Who’s to say if her “sentence” was up?

Using that logic, Christians should just take crappy care of themselves, so they would qualify for early release.

Wed 17 Apr, 2019 10:31 am
Olivier5 wrote:

.... dressed up in miniskirt and pompoms.

Shhhhhh! That’s transphobic!

Sorry not sorry. Couldn’t resist.
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 11:04 am
On the contrary, I'm embracing my feminine self. :-)
0 Replies
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 11:08 am
I have no time for Christian Scientists, but I can't help but smile at the acute irony in Chai's posts. Pneumonia is most commonly caught in hospitals, outbreaks are quite common, wards often have to be quarantined.

So it looks like the medical profession is likely to have caused Engel's untimely death, and if she'd just stuck with her mumbo jumbo she'd probably be alright.

Talk about shooting yourself in the ******* foot.
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 11:20 am
But izzy, Georgia Engel didn't go to a hospital, her cause of death was unknown.

It was Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Scientists, that died at age 89 of pneumonia back in 1910. I don't think she went to the hosptial either.

BTW, who do I cause to drink?

I guess ask your kid, because based on her group of PM's to me, she knows exactly who I know, what I do, when I do things, how I do things and more.

I mean, it's not like an opinon of anything. It's statesment of exactly what all these things are, proof positive.

Is this your child that on the autism spectrum? I don't mean asking the autism question as an insult or that being spectrum phobic or whatever you would call it. It would simply explain a lot about the behavior exhibited.

There's quite an obsession going on. Besides a bunch of posts on the connect the phote thread, I looked, and every single post made is telling someone how transphobic, homophobic, biogoted etc they are. Every single post. So like every single person encountered.

Honestly, the kid reminds me of sglass.

She would contantly post accusing others of drinking, or I remember once in my case, saying she knew I was posting sex posts to her husband, and asking when the last AA meeting they went to etc.
Then at one point I found out from a friend that she sat in a room with seaglass and watched her get shitfaced drunk.

So in the latest couple of PM's, your kid has told me that I don't have any social life expect for here, because I mentioned I don't do other social media, that I'm going to die soon and no one will mourn me because they all hate me etc etc. It really sounds like she's channeling this seaglass, who basically sounded like a 12 year old.

Based on the evidence that except for one thread all your kid does is accuse people of negative things, I have to guess this is done in real life too.

All because apparantly I gave an opinion on Ricky Gervais.


This is getting really tiresome. Both of you need to be an equal opportunist and find someone else to hate on for awhile, because the constant repetition of your 2 or 3 insults has lost all impact.

You're both old news.

Wed 17 Apr, 2019 11:30 am
Which means you don't know where she got it. It's not just hospitals, it's clinics, pharmacists anywhere you find sick people. My local GP's has signs up telling people not to come in if they have certain symptoms but to phone instead.

You claimed that someone's crackpot beliefs were to blame for their early death. Not only were you wrong you managed to make the arrow point in the opposite direction. The health industry is far more likely to be a source of contagion than her beliefs which definitely weren't the cause.

But you keep digging, because an inability to accept you're ever wrong is such an endearing feature.
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 11:48 am
Izzy, the woman was a Christina Scientist.

She did not go to clinics, doctors, hospitals or pharmacies. They don't take medication.
That is one of the main tenents of their religion.

Christian Scientists will only go to get health care if they have a broken bone or something.

WTF is wrong with you anyway?

How about starting a thread about all the awful things people are regarding you and your kid.

So tired....so so tired.

Wed 17 Apr, 2019 11:59 am
They don't ever accompany people there, other friends who aren't Christian Scientists, to offer support. They never pop into the chemists to buy a bottle of shampoo.

I didn't realise The Church of Christian Science actually banned its members from going to such institutions. I just thought they weren't supposed to get treated, but it appears that even the buildings themselves are off limits.

You really are quite the expert on such things aren't you. Nobody knows the cause of her pneumonia, but you know her exact movements. She didn't go here, she didn't go there, you should offer the centre for disease control your services.
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 12:06 pm
chai2 wrote:

How about starting a thread about all the awful things people are regarding you and your kid.

How about writing a correct sentence.

I have no idea what you're trying to say, but for the record I get on famously with my children. I'm really proud of them. The Kid speaks fluent German, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese and British Sign Language.

That's pretty impressive don't you think?

0 Replies
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 12:21 pm
I see you added stuff. You deliberately misgendered my son and now you're attacking my other son for being autistic.

You supported a transphobe. The Kid told you about three of his friends who had killed themselves because of transphobic bigotry and your response was to mock him.

You're a 60 year old woman with a much older husband who knows nothing about the pressures young people face, and you know even less about those who also face discrimination and prejudice. Instead of trying to understand or offer anything remotely sympathetic you decided to mock and sneer. You use the term trigger as a pejorative to imply they're just a bunch of drama queens who can't handle the real world.

The fact that three of the Kid's friends are dead should be proof they're not drama queens at all but real victims, so you insult and ridicule and mock.

Is this what you're like in real life? Is this why a recurring theme in your posts is how so many people you know have substance abuse issues?

You could have just let things lie, but no.
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 01:00 pm
izzythepush wrote:
But you keep digging, because an inability to accept you're ever wrong is such an endearing feature.

What about you? Smile Have you ever admitted to being wrong about anything? It. is. to. laugh. I bet the answer to that question is "NEVER."

I've had enough of your own bigotry, your unbounded arrogance and utter lack of humility, and your insufferable antics. I'll leave you now to go play in your useless, insignificant sandbox. Have fun! Laughing
0 Replies
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 02:14 pm
izzythepush wrote:

They don't ever accompany people there, other friends who aren't Christian Scientists, to offer support. They never pop into the chemists to buy a bottle of shampoo.

I didn't realise The Church of Christian Science actually banned its members from going to such institutions. I just thought they weren't supposed to get treated, but it appears that even the buildings themselves are off limits.

You really are quite the expert on such things aren't you. Nobody knows the cause of her pneumonia, but you know her exact movements. She didn't go here, she didn't go there, you should offer the centre for disease control your services.


You are being purposefully stupid.

Georgia Engel cause of death is/was Unknown. You will not find anywhere anything saying she died of pneumonia, because...the ...cause...of...her...death...is.... unknown. Because.... get this.... she was a Christian Scientist and didn't accept or seek out medical treatment.

That is because she is a Christian Scientist, and they do not go to doctors, or hospital, or clinics, or take medication for treatment.

Where you got they aren't allowed to visit someone in the hospital, or enter a Walgreens to get a newspaper or package of mints or razors, is in your peanut brain. Seriously dude, it wasn't said or implied anywhere. Unless of course you choose to act so ******* dense as to say that "they don't go to hospitals/pharmacies" means they can't step in them. Seriously? Really? You're that stupid, or want to pretend to be that stupid to think that's what was meant?

Back in 1910, that 109 years ago, a woman named Mary Baker Eddy died. Mary Baker Eddy died of pneumonia. She founded the Christian Science religion. Christian Science followers to not go to the hospital, do not go to the doctors, do not take medication. They will accept medical treatment if they break a bone or something.

Christian Scientists have in fact gotten into trouble with the law for not allowing medical treatments on their children, and on occassion the child has died, when they could have survived with medical treatment.

I know this because I, like anyone, can look up what Christian Scientists believe and do in a matter of moments.

No one, and I mean no one, can win for losing with either of you. You or the Kid.

The thing that is most annoying with both of you is this childish, like a Very small child way of stating something about an individual. Really immature things like "one one likes you", "you don't know anyone", "you're transphobic (and all the related)" as if you're in at the most 3rd grade.

It's like playing "I know you are, but what I'm I?"

Between you being purposefully dense, and your kid obssessed with taking everything and making it this huge ******* deal, like as if every person walking around doesn't have things said or done to them that is insulting, no one in this world is allowed to say a goddamn word, are they?

That's what it boils down to. You don't want anyone saying anything that could possibly not be in 100% percent compliance with both of your idea of how the planet should orbit the sun.

You both ******* Look for problems. It's boring as hell.

You know what's worse than saying something someone can take as fill-in-the-blank phobic?

Someone who acts so stupid as to thing when someone says a group of people don't go to the doctor or hospital, you pretend that means they can't walk into one.

When this topic turns away from the izzy and kid phobic and stupidity fest, it'll be worth reading again.

What a shame this all has become.

0 Replies
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 02:18 pm
I absolutely, positively did not attack your son for being autistic.

I asked if the kid was the one who has autism, because if that were true, it would explain a lot.

Not an attack.

Wed 17 Apr, 2019 03:32 pm
I asked if the kid was the one who has autism, because if that were true, it would explain a lot.

Naah, Subliminal is the one with social skills in the family.
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 03:37 pm
Oh, btw, yes....my brother pissed away a fortune. But it wasn't my fortune he pissed away, it was his heritance, and no concern to me.

Yes, I'm 60. I think the last conversation of more than 20 seconds I've had with that brother was when I was about 18. Since age 40 or so I haven't talked to him at all. Not on purpose, just never did. I only found out a few month ago he had been taking meth. That was because his daughter somehow reached out to me, because she was curious about the aunt she had never met. The last time I saw her she was in a stroller, and wasn't talking yet. No idea how it started, the meth, or when. Don't care. Not my monkey, not my circus.

My husband is 12 years older than me. Personally I don't call that "much older than me". We met at 29 and 41. We married at about 35 and 47. Where is the problem?

Yes, he has, and will always have drug issues. Yes, he has wasted a lot of money on perscription drugs. But not near all our money. Otherwise, I wouldn't outright own 2 houses, the 2nd of which I paid readily available cash for. Please, don't worry about my money kid or izzy. My net worth is quite healthy thank you.

To get this drug thing out of the way, boring as it is....

The main cause of his health issues are because of ventrical fib, CHF, COPD, Chronic pain from multiple broken bones and nerve damage due to a motorcycle accident in his youth. His perscription drug abuse comes from, after years of taking them properly, the pain increased to a much higher level (he had undergone more orthopedic surgeries, and when they implanted his first defibrillator, it was pressing on a nerve, that is a very long story) , and, at the same time, politics in this country were punishing pain management clincis by preventing them from supplying their choice of drugs, one's they know will work, for their patients. So, in seeking out releif from pain that would keep him in bed for days at a time, preventing him from being able to eat, causing weight loss which included muscle loss, even of the heart, further lowering his already low ejection fraction, he turned to buying them illegally. He became addicted to opiods.

Back in Oct of 2018, he was finally allowed to try a drug that is normally reserved for people coming off of opiods, even though his pain management doctors weren't perscibing him opiods at the time (they were in the past, then the change in what they can do, so they perscribed him things that didn't help. Their hands were tied.

The name of the drug is Suboxone, also known as buprenorphine and naloxone. As well as taking care of the withdrawl from opiods, it also appeared to work pretty well for pain. He should have been fine with just that, and, at the present time he is. However, between November and mid January, he was still going out and buying another drug that is a muscle relaxer, call Soma, aka carisoprodol. It made him a mess, and he refused to see it. After his continued deterioration starting in Dec and ending in Mid January, being admitted to the hosptial 3 separate time for pneumonia, stuff I can't even in my mind keep track of because so much happened so fast, ending with his big fall which broke more bones and teeth, he was hospitalized and put into a physical therapy rehab long enough for him to realize the Soma needed to go, and since then the suboxone, along with his myriad of over medications, appears to be doing well. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I sure don't

So kid, if you think you are somehow "outing" me, shaming me, think again. There it is, in black and white. Addiction is addiction. He hated taking the oxy, and doesn't care for some of his heart meds, because they inhibit his sexual performance. We both have always enjoyed a very healthy sex life. My opinion is some of his other drug use came from depression of not being able to have sex with me the way he wanted, because he really loves having sex with me. I love having sex with him. Being 60 and 72 respectively not not mean sexual desire goes away. Surprise kid, I really like to ****, so does he. I guess you'll have to insult me about that too, or tell me you didn't need or want to know. Guess what, I don't need or want to know about your private life either, but there you go.

So get off this thing, the both of you, that because of whatever age I am I don't understand what people of another age are going through, or that no deaths, tragedies, illness or anything else painful has happened. In fact kid, take your age, and add on the years to get to mine, and imagine what will happen to you in that time.

I find this really curious. How someone in their 20's, who has had maybe 5 to 10 years of adult life, somehow imagines they have more life experience than someone who has dealt with adulthood, relationships, hardships, deaths, joys, failures, success etc than someone who's been practicing it for 40 plus years. Like the longer you live, the less has happened.
Izzy, has your losing your spouse, having kids with challenges, somehow deadened you to the fact everyone has their ****?

I don't talk about my **** much here, because it's my ****. Not something to hide, but it's mine, and I know that one really wants to hear about my ****, because they have their own.

I opened up and talking a little about my **** awhile back, because it reached a head, and I felt very powerless. Lately, well, until this post, I went back to not talking about my **** to the strangers here, because I said it and don't need to rehash it out. Now apparantly with the kid it's become a competition of "my **** is worse than your ****" Including how my **** is my fault because I'm such an awful person. Like I'm going to hide the fact I have ****. Naw, I'm just adult enough to not make it all about me.

kid, you got ****. It's your **** not mine. Neither one of us has **** because we're awful or miserable or whatever else you've called me here and in PMs.

You've got **** because everyone has ****.

Deal with your ****, and stop calling every preceived insult out, or you'll do nothing in your life but be constantly calling everyone out.

Ya gotta let it go kid. Stop trying to change everyone around you to suit you, and look to yourself. You told me in a PM that you think you're wonderful.

Well then act wonderful, not like a scorekeeper of wrongs done to you.

Life short kid, believe me. I have no idea how I got to the number that the calander tell me. Funny thing, if you were to ask me "how old are you?" If I didn't think about it, I pop out with "35? 40?" Although 60 is far far from old. I'm gong to live to 100 I'm sure.

Tomorrow kid, you're gonna wake up, and someone is going to tell you that you're 60, as if they think they're insulting you. And you're gonna laugh to yourself because you wouldn't go back for all the tea in China. Christ I would hate to have to be in my 20's again. Way too much drama. Like feeling like you have to call everyone out because they said a word.

One of the big tells of your youth and inexperience is that you truly feel you are hurting someone by whatever it is you're saying.

Why do you want to hurt someone anyway? Because you think they hurt you? Because you're going to hurt them before they hurt you?

I'm not saying anything I say to hurt you, or well, I can't think of the other things you said....mocking is one, don't know about others, doesn't matter.

It's because I'm not going to walk around on eggshells for you or anyone else, essentially putting a gag on myself. You seem to think you can say anything you want.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Apr, 2019 03:39 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Don't try to backtrack on what you said.

You used autism as if it was an insult.

You are repulsive.

I asked a question.

I did not use it as an insult. I asked if your kid was the one with autism, as a lot of the stuff being said indicated it. Mostly this obsession that I can't even bother to say anymore.

You sir, are Way oversensitive.
0 Replies

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