Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
Okay - I'm putting myself out here, so please don't get mean if you don't agree with me. But this quote makes me think about why there is even a NEED for a 'God' - because human beings are so ******* unable to take responsibility for their own actions.
'Then whence cometh evil? It's 'God's' fault- yeah right- as if we don't know.
Why do you think the Christ story has Jesus being described as 'God made flesh'?
It's an allegory! The main character is the power of love 'reduced' if you will to a state that other humans can recognize and relate to.
I was reading this the other day about the power of 'God' and I think it illustrates it perfectly:
'You cannot hear me, yet I speak through YOUR voice
You cannot feel me, yet I am the power at work in your hands'
So, man himself is the determinant - is the voice you're speaking with advocating good or evil? Are you using the power in your hands for good or evil?
And yes, some Christians, Muslims, Mormons, whatever are more guilty of spreading evil, hate, negativity than anyone else, but that doesn't negate the original message.
For me, it's helpful to recognize one unifying force that will help us to want to do good unto our fellow man - you can call it Jesus, Allah, God, Goodness, Love, Shared Humanity - whatever...but I do think it's helpful to have something to hold sacred (if you can stand that word) or more dear than our own individual 'SELVES'.