Tue 7 Apr, 2015 10:35 am
@Frank Apisa,
Your pretentiousness knows no bounds.

You are now changing my autobiography's titles.

The appropriateness of your titles is only valid in your little mind..
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 10:41 am
timur wrote:

Your pretentiousness knows no bounds.

You are now changing my autobiography's titles.

The appropriateness of your titles is only valid in your little mind..

Just want to offer some help, Timur, old chap.

You certainly need it.

Poor sad character like you...I am always willing to help.

Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 10:43 am
Glad this thread has been re-opened.

To bad about the direction it is taking at the moment.

Sorry Timur doesn't have sense enough NOT to start this kind of thing.

But he is compulsive about starting nonsense with me...and I always want to finish what he starts!
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 10:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
You started it, poor guy, look at your initial comments.

Trying to make diversion won't lead you anywhere.

You are a compulsive liar distorting whatever your opponents say.

Poor guy!

Tue 7 Apr, 2015 11:56 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank! You're being very naughty! http://www.democraticunderground.com/emoticons/tsk.gif

But I must admit it's entertaining. Smile

Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:07 pm
timur wrote:

You started it, poor guy, look at your initial comments.

Trying to make diversion won't lead you anywhere.

You are a compulsive liar distorting whatever your opponents say.

Poor guy!

I most assuredly did not.

I am a counterpuncher, Timur...always have been.

You started this at


But don't worry about it, because I will finish it...just like I do whenever you start something with me.

Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:09 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

Frank! You're being very naughty! http://www.democraticunderground.com/emoticons/tsk.gif

But I must admit it's entertaining. Smile

I acknowledge that I am being naughty.

And it is entertaining.

I know it is...because I am laughing by butt off.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:12 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You are a liar and a lame one at that.

You started it here:


I don't care if you always boast about finishing stuff.

You are a little man..
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:14 pm
Okay, i changed my mind. Hamsters, please shut down this thread again... ;-)
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:23 pm
timur wrote:

You are a liar and a lame one at that.

You started it here:


I don't care if you always boast about finishing stuff.

You are a little man..

I am not a liar...although I am not an especially large man. I do hit hard when it has to happen though...so ...

Anyway...you are suggesting that joke was aimed at you???

That was not directed at you...not directed to you...and quite honestly had to be taken by anyone reading it to be a joke...a play on what I was responding to.

Get over yourself...and stop starting crap like this, because I enjoy finishing this kind of thing way too much for you to be accommodating me this way.
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:29 pm
@Frank Apisa,
That was not directed at you...not directed to you

Yeah, Timmy, Frank was obviously speaking about philosophers (which you definitely aint) when he brought up jackasses, eh?:

“Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that all others are jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself.” (H. L. Mencken)
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:45 pm
Timur...in desperation...was pointing to a comment I made to Ionus.

When I wrote, "We can disagree and so so heatedly, passionately without hating or vilifying each other"...Ionus wrote back:

You haven't been here long, have you? (Or words to that effect.)

I responded (to Ionus)

Been here almost from the start...and was with Abuzz for several years before that.

We can do it...we can disagree...and do so heatedly, passionately...without hating and vilifying each other.

Just takes a bit of work, patience...and the ability to pass over some of the stuff those jackasses write. Wink

Obviously the last line was an irony joke attempt...TO IONUS.

Timur, who takes himself WAY too seriously, apparently thought the remark was aimed at him...so he is accusing me of starting this latest flap.

Hey...if that gets him past the graveyard, I can stomach the whistling!

But just like I do each time Timur starts one of these things...I will FINISH it...and more than likely wipe the floor with him.
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 12:58 pm
You are a liar and it's not because you try to twist my words that you'll succeed.

I'm not a stubborn little man like you, finish away if it makes you feel an inch taller..
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 01:22 pm
timur wrote:

You are a liar and it's not because you try to twist my words that you'll succeed.

I am not a liar...and I didn't have to twist any words.

The record shows that you started this...and I will finish it.

I'm not a stubborn little man like you, finish away if it makes you feel an inch taller..

Good...glad you are not stubborn. So we can end it with me finishing it just as I said I would...and just as I have done every time you've started nonsense with me in the past...and just as I will whenever you are foolish enough to start something with me in the future.
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 01:29 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I'm not going to finish anything with you, be sure, unless you stop your crappy games with me, like pretending you know more about my atheism than I do myself.

You are a despicable little man, a boasting despicable little thing.

You can continue your nasty little games and I'll continue exposing them.
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 01:57 pm
timur wrote:

I'm not going to finish anything with you, be sure, unless you stop your crappy games with me, like pretending you know more about my atheism than I do myself.

Oh, so you call me a liar...but when you indicate that you are not a stubborn little man and that you've finished...you can continue.

You are joy. If you were not here, Timur...I'd probably try to invent you.

And I've never pretended I know more about "your" atheism than you do yourself.

You are a despicable little man, a boasting despicable little thing.

And you are a guy who apparently gets his jollies telling me that I am a boasting, despicable little man.

So...what could I say? If you think I am all those things...and you cannot control yourself enough to be reasonable and decent...go for the low road. You are the one who has to live with it.

And I am not really THAT little!

Here's a couple of pictures.



Hey...not that bad for a guy who was over 70 when they were taken.

You can continue your nasty little games and I'll continue exposing them.

Ahhh…so you were only kidding when you said you were finished earlier.

Keep coming back, Grumpy. This is really fun.

One of you...just to make things a bit more even.

Tue 7 Apr, 2015 02:04 pm
You are twisting my words again, little man.

And boasting like it has no end.

Are you trying to impress me with your ordinary physical features? You are an old codger to me.

A mean one, let me say.
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 02:32 pm
timur wrote:

You are twisting my words again, little man.

Not twisting your words at all...and have not done so in the past, so I cannot be doing it again.

No need to twist your stuff. It works fine for my purposes just as written.

And boasting like it has no end.

Awww...c'mon, Grumpy. Don't let the fact that you have painted yourself into a corner bother you so.

Are you trying to impress me with your ordinary physical features? You are an old codger to me.

I am an old codger...but not like you at all.

I love life...and I smile most of the time. You are a grump.

Not like you at all...but I don't mind you wanting to think you are like me.

Why not post some pictures.

A mean one, let me say.



I'm a pussy cat.

Didn't you see me in that picture with the guy that feeds me?
0 Replies
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 02:37 pm
You are playing your nasty little game, pretending you know me.

That is not gonna happen in a thousand years.

I need to leave now but I'll be back to expose your pretentiousness and your nastiness again..
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Apr, 2015 02:43 pm
timur wrote:

You are playing your nasty little game, pretending you know me.

I am?

I couldn't pick you out from Georg Ohm on a bet.

Are you hallucinating again?

That is not gonna happen in a thousand years.

However long it takes...I will finish this thing you foolishly started.

I need to leave now but I'll be back to expose your pretentiousness and your nastiness again..

You cannot do something "again" if you haven't done it already. And you haven't exposed any pretentiousness or nastiness.

I am being much more light-hearted about this...and taking myself a lot less seriously than you.

Hurry back. I'll be here for ya.


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