Thomas wrote:
Intrepid wrote:When it comes down to it, all mankind would probably get along if they all kept their beliefs to themselves.
PS: From what I see here and on Facebook, you rarely take your own medicine. In practice, I have never seen you encourage Christians to keep
their beliefs to themselves. It is only when atheists or agnostics state their beliefs clearly that you suggest "we all" better be quiet about them.
Perhaps that is because I have not seen Christians pushing their beliefs on others. Oh, sure, there are the crazies that post on threads like this just to get a reaction and stir up the pot. I do not consider these trouble makers to be Christians in the true sense.
As for myself, I have never bashed atheists or agonostics on this or any other thread. I have had disagreements, but I have made no attacks and have even clearly indicated my tolerance for those who hold different beliefs.
I could only hope that you and, some others, could do the same in kind. Sometimes I think that those who are the most vocal and feel the need to try and belittle others are doing so because they are really afraid that they may be wrong since they have no more proof of anything than those who think differently. If atheists are right (
since you feel that there must be a right and wrong) then they should have no fear of any future judgement day.
If it turns out, in the end, that perhaps I personally have been wrong in my faith at least I will have the knowledge that I held firm to what I believed and did not try to force others to think as I do. I will also be happy with the fact that I lived my live in such a way as to not hold judgement. I have many friends who are atheist and I do not treat them any differently than those with whom I share as faith.
Many equate those with religious beliefs with some who would despise gays etc. If we truly believe that God created man, then He is responsible for ALL men including gay men and women.
I often hear people saying that belief in God is like belief in Santa Claus since Santa Claus does not exist. For many children, and even some adults, Santa Claus does exist because they want him to exist.
You follow me on Facebook? Cool.