hingehead wrote: You don't have a clue do you? Science is a methodology, a way of testing theories. It's not the mastermind of anything.
Science as an institution, disposing freely and unaccountably with the money of the tax payers
is everything else but 'methodology' - for further details see the classified scientific reports that are scheduled for destruction after the expiry of the term of classification, and are actually never shown to the genuine assignor paying the money for that research - the tax payers & the wide public.
hingehead wrote: You think it's a one on one replacement for god
Yes, it is one-on-one replacement for ID (I would not say God, for we actually don't know who/what God is, and we don't even know whether we would ever get knowing that). It is either ID or stochastics (that has created us), or perhaps a combination of both. You are the one who excludes ID and combined ID-stochastics on the grounds of your pseudo-scientific prejudices.
hingehead wrote:... because your mind appears locked into a theistic outlook.
Whether my mind is locked or unlocked ... and in what is not exactly your problem. I told you more than once that I am agnostic ... and you call yourself a scientist. WFM.
hingehead wrote:But it's not a replacement for anything except blind acceptance.
I have had great teachers ... in the face of the big-bang theorists and the evolutionists. If they can make triple blind assumptions, based exclusively on beliefs only (that in the capacity of great scientists they can make any fizzy constructs in the definitions of the terms and can talk everything to the public), what is the problem for me to have 'blind beliefs' ... based on math probabilistic calculations.