Intrepid wrote:That being said, Thomas, why should anybody really care as long as they have the right to their own beliefs.
Because the universe is a fascinating place. Knowing the truth about it is worthwhile in its own right, and a universe with one or more creator-gods in it is radically different from one without. The difference between the two is a matter of fact, which I am interested in investigating.
Intrepid wrote:Does it have to be a case of one group being right and the other group being wrong?
As a matter of elementary logic, yes it does. Gods either exist or they don't. The groups who believe they do and the groups who believe they don't can't both be right.
Intrepid wrote:When it comes down to it, all mankind would probably get along if they all kept their beliefs to themselves.
I disagree. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts. Whether the Christian god created the universe or not, whether he impregnated the virgin Mary or not, whether his and the virgin's son died for our sins or not, whether he ascended into heaven or not --- these are all questions of
fact. "Getting along" does not even figure into it. If the cruel and vindictive god of the Old Testament actually existed, I would
hate that, but that wouldn't change the fact that he does. Conversely, if no gods exist, it doesn't matter if Christians like it or not. Facts are what they are; it's not their job to help us get along.