Thomas wrote:You are assuming that I'm adhering to some particular belief about how the Big Bang happened and what the world, if any, looked like before it. I don't --- because, as you say, there's no evidence on how the Big Bang happened.
... if it happened at all. If you really are agnostic, behave as such - accept the shift in the red light as-it-is, accept that it is
equal in all directions and nothing else - neither any space expansion, nor time-space continuum, nor gravitational continuum, nor any equations with 'dark' (unknown to the astrophysicists) energy. The evidences up to where they are evidences and from where they start becoming pseudo-science-fiction.
Thomas wrote:I would observe, however, that a Big Bang that "just happened" is simpler, and hence statistically less unlikely, than a god that "just happened" and then went on to set off the Big Bang.
Forget about that Big Bang - you have no direct evidences that it happened at all, that it has existed and/or is existing at present and is headed to the future ... let alone of creating whatever.
red shift in the light spectrum (emitted photons in the distant past) could be due to
blue shift in (shrinking of) the elementary particles at present (that we use as a basis to measure that 'red shift').
It might be also some property of light when travelling at great distances, it might be due to logarithmic deformation of the space with the distance or some other 'dark property' - not necessarily space expansion.
Besides that the light might reduce its speed when travelling at huge distances - the space is not an ideal environment after all and the loss of the light beam energy might become detectable (even to our instruments) at huge distance.
Thomas wrote: PS: Your amateurish attempts to insert your own HTML formatting into your posts won't work. I suggest you give up.
This is not HTML - this is the wiki format that this side is using, and BTW it is none of your business whether I make it by handwriting or use the supplied buttons ... unless you are the system administrator-in-chief of this website, of which I doubt.