I think that finding that photo and posting it on here is an expression of an emotion. And an idea, which is that there are many versions of the Bible, which there are, and thus they can't all be authentic which leads to the obvious conclusion that all of them are suspect because they are edited, redacted and invention. Hence discredited.
Choosing and posting the image expresses something. I didn't take a view of what it was and, as an atheist, agree with you that it is foolish to condemn non-believers to eternal damnation. I think public condemnations of that sort should be illegal.
As to the oppression of minorities and women I think that both groups are in a far better position in a Christian context than they ever were in a pre-Christian or non-Christian context. By some distance. In general I mean. Like the temperature of a body relates to the average energy of its constituents and not to any specific atom or molecule within it at the time it is measured.
It is difficult to provide evidence that the liberal policy on sexual matters is oppressive, demeaning and unhealthy for women because doing so requires consideration of matters which are not suitable for a public discussion due to the sensitivity of the subject matter. Even genteel hints result in a quick grab at Ignore.
Nevertheless, from a scientific point of view, the liberal manifesto on sexual matters is decidedly oppressive, demeaning and unhealthy for women. It is entirely in the service of male sexual relief which explains its popularity with misogynists who are, as one might expect, in indignant denial of such a label being applied to them. "He denies all the charges", is a sentence we are hearing on almost every news broadcast.
"All men are rapists" Professor Greer maintained. "Romance is rape", is a feminist mantra. The famed "ceiling buster" is a man with a female biology.
The Bible is the story of the dethroning of the matriarchy in favour of the patriarchy. The sexual teaching of the Church provides the woman with some protections from the obvious consequences.
It is up to you whether you think women are better served by the patriarchy than they were by the matriarchy. I think they are and to a considerable degree.
The oppression of minorities is much more severe in atheistic societies. I suspect you have particular minorities in mind.