Ed should know at his age that the spiel is not meant to be understood. One might easily say that it cannot be understood. The pedestal on which it stands is so vast that the statue which is erected upon it can only be seen with a microscope and when that feat is accomplished we see fresco at a dinner table seeking to impress the new wife of the Dean of Studies.
It is meant to sound authoritative.
Perhaps one might hazard that it suggests an insistent demand for a decisive Father figure in an age of confusion and if It isn't out there somewhere in the distant, dark spaces where new worlds are being created, paring It's fingernails, as Mr Joyce had it, it is right here in your face and up your arse.
I like the way it neatly distances the author from anything which might be called "simplistic". Such a quality being deprecated by any self-respecting new wife of even the most provincial Dean of Studies.