It was somebody else pan who posted a survey result which had shown that between 3 and 7% of Americans are atheists. And it was an American commentator who made the monkey remark.
And on the "wisdom of Groups" theory, which is said to be scientific, it is hardly likely that 93-97% of Americans are wrong. Even the thought of such a possibility is astonishing.
The "many here" who dismiss my posts as mindless prattle are simply stumped for grown up ways of confuting my contributions so they allow themselves the luxury of resorting to playground assertions which, whatever they might mean to you, mean nothing to me.
And not only do they mean nothing but they also grant permission for their object to assert the same thing back and they are thus contrary to civilised debate in that they end it.
I consider all my posts to be "worthwhile". I wouldn't post them otherwise.
I'm afraid that you haven't laid a glove on the post you responded to. In fact you haven't even attempted to. I was offering an explanation for the clauses in various documents which were being discussed. Really, really old fashioned ones, from before electricity, internal combustion engines and the hysterical madness of mass media.
And that's all I was doing. If I took the opportunity to have a dig at atheists they can hardly complain seeing as how they have been having dig-festivals at the expense of believers ever since they pubesced and found the time-honoured disapproval of the effects of that event not to their liking.