Mr Dennett is writing about a present world which has not arrived out of nowhere. It is a result of Christianity. Before Christianity, and even during a large part of its development, none of his expressions of goodness were possible. I'm not sure that the concept of goodness existed. And it is impossible to imagine atheism delivering them from those starting points.
A familiarity with the pre-Christian literature will quickly disabuse anyone of the facile notions he presents. In those worlds he was a dead man.
He sounds a lot like those society ladies whose moral superiority is feeding on the residues of their robber-baron great grandfather whose memory is preserved by an oil painting showing him looking gentlemanly.
And the jury is still out on whether science and medicine are the wonderful things for mankind he assumes them to be.
Even the preservation of recordings of the music of a previous era, especially that of the Beatles and Randy Newman, might not the an unalloyed blessing he asserts it to be.
Fair elections and truthful journalism must be a joke.
So I'm grateful to Thomas for pointing me in the opposite direction and saving me money and precious time. I consider reading emotionally driven stuff of that nature to be not dissimilar to being anaesthetised.
As for his "religious friends" I can only think they discuss superficialities when he is socialising with them.