Quote:Well this is clear disjunctive raillery.
Spendi is always off on riffs related to himself.
You're catching a belief in your own assertions Madam. You should stop associating with atheists is my advice. It is catching because of how easy it is.
When I wrote--
Quote:An absence of sexual inhibitions has always been the top priority of serious atheists.
I'll admit I was being a bit provocative. I should have said sensual subjectivities. A study of media indicates that the sexual is in first place.
Quote:Please, could we go back to the beginning topic?
Is there a beginning?
Well- we might start with the parting of the ways between science and theology usually personified by Galileo but it was, of course, a far larger event than that minor incident.
At first the divorce presented an unmitigated bonanza. Freed from the mystical ballast (see my bouy metaphor) science sailed off into the wide blue yonder and a high rate of knots conquering new realms. Within a very short period of Darwinian time the mind of mankind was transformed as was the planet itself.
But there was a price to pay. We now live in a world of extreme anxiety. Nuclear holocaust, radiation, global warming, new life forms, decisions which we feared the outcome of in stem cell research, cloning and eugenics and the growth of a nihilism in response as typified by Naked Lunch which few people dare read closely. And there came about a spiritual impasse as well.
Reality dissolved before our eyes. Matter vanished from the materialist world. He held it in his hands for a time and then it evaporated. The vanishing act began with Galikeo and Descartes. Galileo banished colour, sound, heat, odour and taste from the world of science, from physics, and placed them into the realm of subjective illusion. Descartes reduced reality as our common sense apprehends it, to particles with only the qualities of extension in space and motion in space and time.
But in the next two centuries the vanishing act continued. Even those two Cartesian qualities of reality turned into an illusion. The concepts of substance, force, effects from causes and even space and time turned out just as much an illusion as colour, and taste and odour.
Every advance no matter how materially beneficial was payed for by a loss of intelligibilty but that loss was brushed under the carpet, and easily because it wasn't understood and the gains were. The objects you see on your desk are as near a vacuum as makes no difference.
How pretty it is to imagine the nice little electrons orbiting a nucleus when depicted on a blackboard and reproduced in an exam paper in the service of a good qualification. But the dimensions involved are not so pretty. The electron is one fifty thousandth the size of its distance from the nucleus. The size of the earth is a mere twelve thousandth of its distance from the sun. Your desk objects, you car etc are almost all empty space. Enlarge a nucleus to the size of a football and the electrons are hundreds of miles away. Maybe thousands. I've not done the calculation. It is unnecessary to make the point.
Now science has gone further. The electron might not occupy any space at all. Energise a hydrogen atom and its electron jumps further into another orbit. If the energy is given up it jumps back with a light emission. And these jumps are performed without any passage through the space between the two orbits or with any time lapse. It instantaneously dematerialises and materialises in two places which are far apart in the proportions of the dimensions involved. And it is silly to think of knowing where the electron is because it is equally everywhere.
The objects you see can no longer be fitted into a time/space framework. Substance and matter have no meaning. Sexual intercourse is two sets of vibrations seeking the equilibrium disturbed by inputs and build-ups of energy ultimately derived from radiations from the sun and other astrological sources absorbed through nutrient.
Matter is both substance and non substance. The electrons might produce a pattern when passed through a diffraction grating but that effect is no more than the grin of the famous Cheshire cat.
Right then--so we all go nuts. Religion provides an answer which enables people not to go nuts. The religious explanations may be what Setanta and others claim they are but what then? They may be daft, or nonsense or crap but they enable people to cope. The term "mad scientist" is not a cliche for no reason.
Terms like "beautiful" are ridiculous to a materialist. Everything is beautiful and at the same time not beautiful. If you have ever distinguished something beautiful and something not beautiful you have expressed a deeply religious and subjective sentiment which modern science does not recognise.
How's that for "disjunctive raillery" osso? You no like eh? Put me on Ignore. Do the Ostrich Samba.
Escaping from the disciplines of sensual inhibitions is the only game you are all playing and denying it is just another circular assertion. Science is definitely not your forte. It's an excuse. Taking its name in vain.