@Frank Apisa,
Quote:Not sure why you think that, Gunga...but things were not appreciably different during the time Jesus lived where he did...from how they were when the people who wrote the mythology lived there.
That is overwhelmingly wrong. We, Jesus, and Adam all lived on the same planet but living on the same planet is not the same as living in the same world.
We and Jesus live in the same age of the world. Jesus saw the same sky we do, the same stars and constellations we do, the same sun and moon we do, the same ocean boundaries we do, the same weather patterns we do.... None of that holds good for people living prior to the Trojan war.
Forget about the Bible for a moment and read from Plato's dialog "Statesman":
Quote: Y. Soc. Certainly that is quite consistent with what has preceded; but tell me, was the life which you said existed in the reign of Cronos in that cycle of the world, or in this? For the change in the course of the stars and the sun must have occurred in both.
The dialog is between Socrates as a young man (Y. Soc) and a sage denoted as the 'stranger'. Plato consistently refers to antediluvians as 'nurselings of Cronos(Saturn)' and by the 'reign of Cronos' is meant a time, prior to the flood, when Cronos was the 'King of Heaven'. In the same language, our sun is the 'King of Heaven' now.
Bael, El, Shamesh, Ra, Helios, and all of the early chieftain gods of the ancient Med basin were basically references to Saturn. The most major Roman religious festival was called 'Saturnalia' and we call our sabbath 'Saturn's day' to this day.
All of that says, at the least, that people living just a few thousand years ago were living on the same planet we live on, but not in the same world we live in.