Quote: On the one hand, you contend that atheists are "less likely to be inhibited by external moral restraints."
Less likely indeed!!! I can't think of any reason why an atheist should be inhibited by any moral constraints. Strategies are another matter entirely. If an atheist thinks that his strategies are confused with morals he is, as is normal for atheists in my experience, underestimating others.
Morals partake of the categories "right" , "wrong", "good" and "evil". How can such categories have any meaning in a meaningless world. One might pose as righteous or virtuous in a world where those words mean something but an atheist has nowhere to derive such attributes from except his own self interest.
Still--it must be comforting to have posts on Ignore. It allows one to plough on, head down, and continue with vague Mr Nice Guy bullshit.
There can be no fable to point to any moral for an atheist. All his information is read off a dial on an insrtument. All he has is "models" which can vary. The atheist is "nice" because it pays him to be.
Amoral is practically synonymous with atheist.